utworzone przez valerio | maj 24, 2018 | Blog
Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy (2011) 33:881–890 By Antonio Stecco, Carla Stecco, Veronica Macchi, Andrea Porzionato, Claudio Ferraro, Stefano Masiero & Raffaele De Caro 9 February 2011 Abstract Recent studies reveal the role of the ankle retinacula in...
utworzone przez valerio | maj 10, 2018 | Blog
Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies (2010) 14, 318 – 325 By Borgini Ercole, MD, Stecco Antonio, MD, Day Julie Ann, PT, Carla Stecco, MD. 10 aprile 2010 Abstract The perception of what appears to be connective tissue fibrosis, and its consequent modification...
utworzone przez valerio | lut 24, 2018 | News
On January 24th and 25th of this year, the teacher Marco Pintucci worked with a multidisciplinary group that was studying headache sufferers. This work took place at Instituto de Neurologia de Curitiba (INC), an excellent neurology based private hospital in the Parana...
utworzone przez valerio | lut 24, 2018 | News
In Seoul, Korea, Fascial Manipulation courses started again thanks to the dedication of the teacher Stephen Oswald.
utworzone przez valerio | paź 18, 2017 | Blog
Cells Tissues Organs 2008; 188:320 – 329 By Carla Stecco, Andrea Porzionato, Veronica Macchi, Antonio Stecco, Enrico Vigato, Anna Parenti, Vincent Delmas, Roberto Aldegheri, Raffaele De Caro. March 19, 2008 Abstract Background/Aims: The aim of this study was to...