utworzone przez stecco | gru 6, 2018 | Blog
9th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back and Pelvic Girdle Pain By Stecco C., Lahtinen Suopanki. Abstract In the back we can recognize a multilayered myofascial and aponeurotic structure whose characteristics change according to its location. The most famous...
utworzone przez stecco | lis 29, 2018 | Blog
The Fascial Manipulation Method is a cycle of articles dedicated to the understanding of themost common dysfunctions we meet during our clinical practice, specifically theirmanifestation and treatment with Fascial Manipulation. FM specialists report clinical...
utworzone przez stecco | lis 22, 2018 | Blog
The Testimony is a cycle of articles dedicated to the narration of patient’s treatment experiences and the learning of the Fascial manipulation method by the students, so they can express their personal opinion in the knowledge path of the discipline. For privacy...
utworzone przez stecco | lis 22, 2018 | Blog
Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies (2009) 13, 128–135 By Julie Ann Day, Carla Stecco, Antonio Stecco. 21 April 2008 Abstract Classical anatomy still relegates muscular fascia to a role of contention. Nonetheless, different hypotheses concerning the function of...
utworzone przez stecco | lis 15, 2018 | Blog
The Fascial Manipulation Method is a cycle of articles dedicated to the understanding of themost common dysfunctions we meet during our clinical practice, specifically theirmanifestation and treatment with Fascial Manipulation. FM specialists report clinical...