The Fascial Manipulation School


The Fascial Manipulation® School was created to give a complete training in the intricate fascia system, in its complex role in the human body, in order to understand all of the potential of the method termed “Fascial Manipulation®”.
The School is based on this method, combining practical and theoretical lessons to create professionals with a high level of competence in the theory and in the application of Fascial Manipulation®. The ultimate goal of the School is the training of the students to be able to perform a unique and global treatment based on the collected data from the detailed consultation, movement based examination and palpatory examination, attentively listening to the body at each phase. In this, the School wants to be a meeting point to disseminate this knowledge, aware of its enormous role in the professional growth for the student.

General information
The Classes
In order to provide all of the tools necessary to better master the application of the Fascial Manipulation® method, the School heavily emphasizes the practical. The School allows and encourages the students to practice the method immediately after the first set of classes are complete. Thus, the participants get more involved, discovering, discussing and solving the difficulties of Fascial Manipulation® based clinical work.
The training in the theory is, however, essential to the evolution of the Fascial Manipulation® therapist. Included in the education will be courses on the biomechanical and physiological basis of Fascial Manipulation.

I° Year – Introduction, analysis and practicing of all the basic concepts of Fascial Manipulation® including the Centres of Coordination (CCs) and their sequences.

II° Year– Introduction, analysis and practicing of the Centres of Fusion (CFs) including the studyof their spatial organization as the basis for global movements. Tensile structures andcatenaries are then presented as the basis for treatment of patients with internal dysfunctions.

III° Year – The catenaries are reviewed with an emphasis on the interconnection between thesystems and the interconnection of all of the systems with the deep fascia. The link between thesystems and the treatment of the superficial fascia will be analysed.

To qualify for the next year’s level, the students must pass a theoretical and practical exam.Theaim of the course is to arrive at the end of the third year with a global view of the patient, of thetreatment and of the method “Fascial Manipulation”.

Practical Apprenticeship
The School offers the participants the possibility to do, in small groups, a practicalapprenticeships. This will take place in our location in Padova. The contact and the interaction with the patient (volunteers external to the School) occur by degree, according to the course year of the student and the competence level the student has achieved.
The first year participants will learn how to accomplish the data collection and how to fill out the Fascial Manipulation® assessment chart. They will observe and assist in the manual treatments performed by the teachers. From the second year onward, the participants will actively perform the treatment under the supervision of the teachers. The third year students will be encouraged to use the method independently, in order to achieve a complete knowledge of musculoskeletal and internal dysfunction.

Further, every week there will be an opportunity to review particular FM cases of the students.

The Dissection

The School gives the participants the opportunity to attend in a human dissection lab. This lab experience is basic to the understanding of the body’s fascial anatomy and thus to the understanding of Fascial Manipulation®. The dissection will be performed by Professor Carla Stecco of the University of Padova.

The End of the Journey

At the end of the third year, the participants must discuss the thesis, which allows them to obtain the diploma and also the title of “Certified Fascial Manipulation Specialist®”

The Education Board

The courses are supported by Carla Stecco, Associate Professor to the University of Padova, and Antonio Stecco, Assistant Professor in the New York University School of Medicine, Rusk Rehabilitation Institute. Dr. Antonio Stecco will continue the subsequent lessons. Additionally, senior Fascial Manipulation teachers will teach on-site and other specialists will give focused lectures on physiology and pathology of the fascia.

Comparison School/Courses
Training hours 9 weekends of 4 days distributed on 3 years for a total of 288 training hours Divided into 4 independent levels:
Level 1: 48 hours
Level 2: 48 hours
Level 3: 40 hours
Level  4: 32 hours
Lessons with ultrasound yes no
Internship At each session, internships will be organized with external patients no
Cadaver lab 2 days of cadaver lab no
Certification Automatically obtained at the end of the training course Can be requested  after having attended all levels and at least one year of work with the FM. In any case, you must undergo a specific certification examination
Title obtained

Fascial Manipulation® Certification (FMC®) allows the professional to:

  • appear on the official on-line list of “Certified Fascial Manipulation® Specialist”, published on the website to be contacted by patients;
  • be a contact person in your region for requests for Fascial Manipulation treatments via social media and other communication tools;
  • use the word mark of Fascial Manipulation® / Manipulation of the face® / Fascial Manipulation® / Stecco® and the figurative mark , on one’s letterhead, local signs, business cards and brochures for promotional use
Only a certificate of participation for each level
Practical Information for the Student
Who can access

The School is open to those who have successfully passed at least six semesters of post high School education that includes classes in anatomy, physiology and biomechanics. Proof of completion is necessary.

The selection of participants is made by the Scientific Committee based on the curriculum vitae.
People intending to enroll in the “Fascial Manipulation®” School are invited to send their CV to, which will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee.
The class consists of a minimum of 28 participants and a maximum of 38 participants.

If the response of the Scientific Committee is positive, the student will be asked to submit the documents necessary for registration and to pay the deposit of 500€ (+ VAT if applicable). This sum will be deducted from the last payment of the third year.
The annual fee is 2.200 euros. The annual fee can also be paid in two installments (solutions).
The annual fee also includes: online lessons, on-site lessons, training materials, internship, anatomical dissection at the Institute of Anatomy in Padova, a social event for each session on site in Padova (visit + dinner), diploma and title of “Certified Fascial Manipulation Specialist”.

When and where

The course of study is three years.
Each year we propose:

– on-live live webinar: in each academic months will be provided a live webinar with a specialist for different topics plus a case report discussion and Q&A
– on-line on demand theoretical lessons: divided into 9 parts of about 4 hours each, which are loaded in the “Stecco Learning Environment” platform in October, November, February, March, April, June and July
– practical lessons on site: 3 weekends in Padova of 5 days each (4 days of practical lessons + 1 day of internship with external patients or anatomical dissection), from 8.30 am to 6.00 pm: in January/February, May/June and September/October.
At the end of the third year, the participants must discuss the thesis, which allows them to obtain the diploma and also the title of “Certified Fascial Manipulation Specialist®”

European CME credits (ECMEC®)

Fascial Manipulation Institute guarantees that the classes will be accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME).

Recognition (European Collaborations)

Recognition (International Collaborations)

More information

For more information call Fascial Manipulation Institute Mobile +39 348 72655553 or Tel. +39 049 5462902 or write an e-mail to 

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