On-line acupuncture and Fascial Manipulation seminar

You will be surprised to see the concordances between the proposals of the ancient acupuncturists, deduced from their clinical experience, and the Fascial Manipulation® concepts base on fascial anatomy and physiology. As the Author explain “fascia is the connective tissue that connect east and west medicine” but Fascial Manipulation® rapresents the rationality to understand the acupuncture meridians.
This knowledge will facilitate acupuncturists and manual therapists to search fascial points related to visceral and musculoskeletal disorders.
This course is made by on-demand frontal lessons, for about 10 hours total. Contents are available for 1 year from the purchasing.

Who can access

Course open to all the professionists.


Filippo Castrovilli, medical doctor, specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and expert in Acupuncture; teacher at the Tao School of Bologna and at the Integrated Shiatsu Institute of Bologna.

Pella Luca, Physiotherapist, oriental medicine expert, Shiatsu professor.

Stecco Luigi, Physiotherapist, inventor of the Fascial Manipulation® method.

How to purchase
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