Fascial Manipulation Master Class


Master classes have been developed to deepen our understanding and use of FM. It is expressly
for practitioners who have completed Level II and have practiced this method for at least a year.
It allows practitioners to review and be updated on the latest information and probably most important, why they did not succeed with particular cases. Fascial Manipulation® continually attempts to add new information and represents a life time learning process.

General information

Level I-II Master Class – 24 hours on 3 days of a weekend

Level I-II Master Class is intended for those who have completed the second cycle of Fascial Manipulation training. Its purpose is to thoroughly review and understand FM treatment concepts and strategies previously learned.
It is our desire to explore the Fascial Manipulation method and remove doubts developed during clinical practice.
It allows the practitioner to keep up-to-date on therapeutic practice, Fascial Manipulation® progress. and continued in-depth analysis regarding anatomy and physiology.
Level I – II Master Class is particularly recommended for those who want to continue training in Fascial Manipulation Level III.

Level III - IV Master – 24 hours on 3 days of a weekend

Level III-IV Master Class is intended for those who have completed level II training. It is focused on internal dysfunction and examining in depth the therapeutic approach for complex cases. These cases require
an advanced clinical way of thinking and manual skills. Awareness of the treatment of the systems is emphasized as they play an essential role in cases of chronic internal dysfunction.
The Master Class also demonstrates analyzes of different strategies to optimize sessions in terms of time and number.

Practical information

Who can access, application and registration

The Master Classes are for those who have completed the required number of Fascial Manipulation courses. Thirty-four students are the maximum number of students accepted.

Prices, location and dates

For all information contact the secretariat who organizes thatparticular Master Class. The prices and dates can be different according to the course’s location and provider.


At the conclusion of the Master Class a certificate of participation will be issued.

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