The on-line workshop, are virtual live events organized to allow you to interact direct with the teachers of 2nd or 3rd level.
Each workshop is composed of 3 live on-line meetings of one and a half hours each, with a limited number of students. Duering the event it will be discussed how to create the hypothesis, FM strategies, treatment logics. We also discuss assessment chart of the participants to review and understand the difficulty encountered. They are very useful for clinical reasoning and short cut that can be used in your clinic.
All the evening lectures will be recorded and leave available for the participants until the last event.
Who can access
Workshop of 2nd level: who has already completed the 1st and 2nd level Fascial Manipulation courses.
Workshop of 3rd level: Who has already completed all the 3 Fascial Manipulation levels.
How to purchase
Go to workshop on-line, select the workshop that you prefer and make payment via Paypal, click on the link: