In recents years, the interest in fascia and its treatment has raised all over the world. Thanks to the work of many research groups, fascia is quickly receiving the consideration it deserves inside the modern medicine. Carla Stecco is author of more than 100 published paper, 2 books and many collaborations in the field. Together with its group, she’s providing the scientific basis to understand the fascial system and its role in human pain and disfunctions. Luigi Stecco (Carla’s father) is an Italian physiotherapist that has been working on his own manual therapy system. This method has evolved over the last 30 years through study and practice in the treatment of a vast case load of musculoskeletal problems and has found many different proofs of effectiveness and viability either through clinical experience or published works.
For the very first time, the FASCIAL MANIPULATION with its principles gets in touch with Extracorporeal shockwaves treatment (ESWT). The latter is considered a safe and effective medical device and it is the gold standard for the treatment of many musculoskeletal diseases giving good but not optimal results. In this course, ESWT will be used on the myofascial tissue according with the Fascial manipulation’s logics and rules in order to provide a new point of view either for the treatment and the machine.
The course aims to furnish the knowledge about the fascial anatomy and physiology that will permit to the attendances to better understand the musculoskeletal pain.
The frontal lessons and the dissections will propose a new view of the musculoskeletal system, focusing the attention into the superficial and deep fasciae; the former will provide an overview of the latest scientific works and a review of the current literature about fascia and musculoskeletal diseases and will discuss correlation between the newest findings, the clinical practice and the treatment of the patients. The different aspects of the human fasciae will be showed and discussed, with particular attention to their function. The dissections will permit to directly understand the anatomy of fascia, its connections and how it works guided by the unique experience of Carla in fascial anatomical dissection.
Ultrasonographic evaluations of the fascia and its correlation with muscles, soft tissues, nerves and vascular system will be added in order to understand in vivo the specifics features showed on cadavers.
Practical sessions will allow the participants to touch the different fasciae and muscles of the human body to perceive their thickness, density, mechanical features that are fundamental knowledges to better understand the patients and their disfunctions. In the meantime, specific competences for the shockwaves therapy will be provided thanks to the exceptional participation of Dr.Muller-Ehrenberg and its long-term experience in the field.