The Fascial Manipulation Method is a cycle of articles dedicated to the understanding of themost common dysfunctions we meet during our clinical practice, specifically theirmanifestation and treatment with Fascial Manipulation. FM specialists report clinical cases,accurately describing their symptomatology, the chosen work plan and the resultsobtained, thanks to the treatment. For privacy reasons, the names of the patients have been changed.
The patient, 52 years old, presents to my clinic with low back pain (LBP), mostly on the right side, of a duration of 2 years. The LBP, now in an acute phase, gets worse during flexionextension movement of the trunk. Further, he reports chronic neck pain, frontal headaches, radiating to the eyes, accompanied by blurred vision and vertigo. The patient also notes a paraesthesia from the elbow, to the first through third fingers bilaterally, mostly on the left side, of a two year duration. Further, the patient reports a bloating sensation in the abdomen, a sense of incomplete defecation, concomitant gastritis and gastro esophageal reflux. The patient also reports respiratory difficulty, also noting some occasional heart palpitation events. Finally, the patient reports dysuria, a sense of delayed urination.
Since he is a business manager, has to travel long distances by car. Swimming and basketball, on a consistent level, are his main exercise regimes.
Considering the strong possibility of involvement of the digestive apparatus (bloating, incomplete elimination, gastritis and reflux), respiratory apparatus (breathing difficulties) and urinary apparatus (dysuria), my initial investigation was concentrated on the viscera. That is, my hypothesis is that the viscera sequence is the causative element.
FIRST TREATMENT: November 19th.
The palpation verification highlights an important positivity of the anterolateral line (laterolateral).
After the search for accessory points, I start the treatment with an-pv rt, an-cx rt, anlu lt, re-pv lt\\++. At the end of the session, the patient reports an improvement in the dorsolumbar flexion-extension and a general feeling of lightness.
After one week the patient returns to my clinic, reporting a general sensation of well-being, an improvement in breathing and in mood.
Dizziness has disappeared, as has the headache, the neck and low back pain. The patient, however, reports a more general pain throughout the trunk. Urination, after a few days of improvement, has now returned to its pre-treatment level of symptoms. The paraesthesia has decreased, as has the gastritis and gastroesophageal reflux.
The patient reports a sense of rigidity in the neck, abdominal bloating and a feeling of instability in the right knee.
We continue the treatment according to the latero-lateral line, choosing the points of la-lu bi, la-pv rt and la-cx rt. At the end of the session the patient reports an improvement in the thoracic mobility.
The patient reports a more acute close-up vision and a significant improvement in urination, but the sense of instability of the right knee persists. Further, he reports a pain in the back, at the level of the right PSIS (that is, an area smaller than the original LBP) area, while sitting.
I decide to manage the third session of FM as an MSK situation. In palpation verification, I find the sagittal plane to be the most involved. I treat the points of an-pv lt, an-ge rt, re-ge rt, recx rt.
At the end of the session, the patient reports a complete disappearance of his symptoms.
TREATMENT FOUR: December 13th
The patient reports a sustained improvement in urination, while the LBP is still present as is the instability of the right knee climbing up the stairs.
I decide to continue the treatment as MSK. I treat the sagittal plane: an-pv rt, an-cx rt, an-ge rt, re-pv rt, re-ge rt.
Post treatment, the patient reports the cessation of the LBP, while the right knee seems to be more stable during involved-side squat.