Hyaluronan within fascia in the etiology of myofascial pain

Hyaluronan within fascia in the etiology of myofascial pain

Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy (2011) 33:891–896 By Carla Stecco, R. Stern, A. Porzionato, V. Macchi, S. Masiero, A. Stecco & R. De Caro 2 October 2011 Abstract The layers of loose connective tissue within deep fasciae were studied with particular emphasis on the...
Histological study of the deep fasciae of the limbs

Histological study of the deep fasciae of the limbs

Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies (2008) 12, 225–230 By Carla Stecco, MD, Andrea Porzionato, MD, Luca Lancerotto, MD, Antonio Stecco, MD, Veronica Macchi, MD, Julie Ann Day, PT, Raffaele De Caro, MD 28 April 2008 Abstract The aim of this study is to analyse...