The Fascial Manipulation school arises from the need give a complete training process to who are intereted in fascia and in its complex role in human body, as well as the using of “Fascial Manipulation” method in all its potential

Designed as a technical enhancement of the Fascial Manipulation method, the courses are aimed to investigate specific disorders related to human or animal’s locomotor systems.

Thought as full immersion in the Fascial Manipulation world, the Master Classes propose to renforce the concepts learned during the training of the course and to deepen the more complex aspects of the method and its clinical application.

Becoming a Certified Fascial Manipulator Specialist means to be a full member of the Fascial Manipulation family, to be easily contacted by patients and to always count on the support of the association of professionists who deal with the fascia and its dysfunctions around the world.
We want to inform that some Fascial Manipulation Teachers available to host students in their study to assist treatments with “Fascial Manipulation” method.
Students who wish to do the observership are invited to apply to institute@fascialmanipulation.com
Fascial Manipulation Institute by Stecco will give the appropriate information regarding the available teachers and their place of work.

Alessandro Pedrelli
Cesena (Italy)
More Information
Email: alepedrelli@hotmail.it
Telefono: +39 347 1016351
Lingua principale: italian
Altre lingue: english
Nato a Cesena il 06-04-1980.
Laureato in Fisioterapia nel 2003 presso l’Università di Bologna “Alma Mater Studiorum”.
Dal 2003 svolge attività di libero professionista in Cesena, presso il suo Studio Privato. Frequenta il primo corso di Manipolazione Fasciale nel 2003 e da allora la utilizza come unico strumento di lavoro, completando la sua formazione con i corsi di I, II e III Livello.
Diventa Docente Certificato di Manipolazione Fasciale nel 2007 e da allora ha tenuto diversi corsi in Italia (Emilia Romagna, Veneto, Umbria, Lombardia).
Nel 2007 (Boston, MA) e nel 2009 (Amsterdam) presenta due studi originali sulla Manipolazione Fasciale al International Fascia Research Congress (Congresso Internazionale di Ricerca sulle Fasce).
Attualmente è Vicepresidente in carica della Associazione Manipolazione Fasciale.

Andrea Pasini
Cesena (Italy)
More Information
Email: paspiu502@gmail.com
Telefono: +39 349 7751534
Lingua principale: italian
Altre lingue: english
Nato a Cesena (ITA) il 18/09/1980.
Laureato in Fisioterapia nel 2003 presso l’Università di Bologna “Alma Mater Studiorum”.
Lavora presso un poliambulatorio riabilitativo privato e il proprio studio privato dal 2003 come terapista manuale.
Organizza (come segretario) e prende parte al primo corso di Manipolazione Fasciale ® nel 2003, frequentando nuovamente il corso nel 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008.
Fra il 2005 e il 2008 frequenta il corso di RPG (Rieducazione Posturale Globale, metodo di Philippe E. Souchard) e la formazione in Reequilibration fonctionnelle ® (normalizzazioni viscerali e energetiche, metodo R. Solere).
Nel 2008 frequenta il primo corso di MFDI (3° livello di Manipolazione Fasciale), e lo frequenta nuovamente nel 2010, 2011, 2012.
Tiene diverse lezioni e relazioni a corsi di perfezionamento e approfondimento in Manipolazione Fasciale ®. Più volte relatore al congresso nazionale di Manipolazione Fasciale ®.
Docente di Manipolazione Fasciale ® dal 2012, nel 2013 è assistente/docente ai corsi di MFDI (3° livello), sia in lingua italiana che inglese.
Born 18th September 1980, Cesena, Italy.
Graduated in Physical Therapy in 2003 from the University of Bologna “Alma Mater Studiorum”.
Work in a private clinic since 2003, as a manual therapist.
Organize (as secretary) and took part in his first course of Fascial Manipulation ® in 2003, attending again the course in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008.
Between 2005 and 2008 he attended a course of RPG (Global Postural Re-education of Philippe E. Souchard) and he attended the courses of Reequilibration fonctionnelle ® (normalizations visceral and energetic, method R. Solere).
In 2008 he attended the first course of FMID (3rd level of fascial manipulation), still taking part the course in 2010, 2011, 2012.
He holds several reports at many workshops and at many in-depth courses of Fascial Manipulation between 2008 and 2012.
Speaker at national congresses of Fascial Manipulation ® in 2011, 2012, 2013.
Teacher of Fascial Manipulation ® since 2012 and, in 2013 assistant/teacher at FMID courses (3rd level), in Italian and English language.

Antonio Santagata
Cesena (Italy)
More Information
Email: antoniosantagata@me.com
Telefono: +39 338 3183222
Lingua principale: italian
Altre lingue: english
Antonio Santagata (Chiavari -GE- Italy, 1988)
2010: Laurea in Fisioterapia presso l’Università degli Studi di Ferrara.
2011: Allievo al corso di Manipolazione Fasciale® di I e II livello.
2011: Formazione Concetto Maitland livello 1 e 2A
2011-2013: assistente ai corsi di Manipolazione Fasciale® I e II livello.
Manipolazione Fasciale® I-II livello Apr-Ott 2012 (Savignano sul Rubicone, FC)
Approfondimento di Manipolazione Fasciale® Nov-Gen 2013 (Savignano sul Rubicone, FC)
Workshop di Manipolazione Fasciale® I-II livello Febb 2013 (Savignano sul Rubicone, FC)
Manipolazione Fasciale® I-II livello Gen-Mag 2013 (Cesenatico, FC)
Manipolazione Fasciale® I-II livello Febb-Giu 2013 (Umbertide, PG)
Manipolazione Fasciale® II livello Mag 2013 (Pisa, PI)
Manipolazione Fasciale® I-II livello Mag-Sett 2013 (Vado Ligure, SV)
Manipolazione Fasciale® II livello Sett 2013 (Bari, BA)
Manipolazione Fasciale® I-II livello Sett-Nov 2013 (Zugliano, VI)
Manipolazione Fasciale® I-II livello Dic-Gen2014 (Savignano sul Rubicone, FC)
2012-2014: partecipazione al corso di Manipolazione Fasciale® per le disfunzioni Interne (III livello)
– 2014 Febbraio – Marzo : Docente al Corso di Approfondimento di Manipolazione Fasciale®
– 2014 Maggio – Giugno : Docente al Corso di Manipolazione Fasciale® F.C. Juventus. Vinovo (TO)
– 2014 Giugno – Settembre : Docente al Corso di Manipolazione Fasciale® Monastier (TV)
– 2014 Settembre: Relatore al convegno S.I.A (Società Italiana Artroscopia): MF® nella instabilità gleno-omerale. Treviso (TV)
– 2014 Ottobre : Docente al Corso di perfezionamento di Manipolazione Fasciale® Centrale di Zugliano (VI)
– 2014 Ottobre : Relatore al convegno S.I.A (Società Italiana Artroscopia): MF® nelle patologie femoro-rotulee. Treviso (TV)
– 2014 Ottobre – Febbraio 2015 : Docente al Corso di di Manipolazione Fasciale® Corridonia (MC)
– 2015 Gennaio – Aprile : Docente al Corso di di Manipolazione Fasciale® Savignano sul Rubiconde (FC)
– 2015 Marzo: Relatore al Workshop di Manipolazione Fasciale® Sorso (SS)
– 2015 Marzo: Relatore al Workshop di Manipolazione Fasciale® Cagliari (CA)
– 2015 Marzo: Relatore al Workshop di Manipolazione Fasciale® Macomer (NU)
– 2015 Aprile – Ottobre: Docente al Corso di di Manipolazione Fasciale® Rondelle di Brescia (BS)
– 2015 Maggio – Settembre: Docente al Corso di di Manipolazione Fasciale® Sorso (SS)
– 2015 Maggio – Settembre: Docente al Corso di di Manipolazione Fasciale® Cagliari (CA)
– 2015 Giugno: Relatore al Workshop di Manipolazione Fasciale® Università dell’Aquila (AQ)
A oggi libero professionista in Cesena e Savignano sul Rubicone utilizzando la Manipolazione Fasciale® come unica tecnica manuale.
Antonio Santagata (Chiavari -GE- Italy, 1988)
2010: Physiotherapy Degree, Ferrara’s University
2011: Partecipation at Fascial Manipulation® course I-II level.
2011: Partecipation at “Concetto Maitland level I-IIA” courses
2011-2013: assistant at Fascial Manipulation® courses I-II level..
Manipolazione Fasciale® I-II livello Apr-Ott 2012 (Savignano sul Rubicone, FC)
Approfondimento di Manipolazione Fasciale® Nov-Gen 2013 (Savignano sul Rubicone, FC)
Workshop di Manipolazione Fasciale® I-II livello Febb 2013 (Savignano sul Rubicone, FC)
Manipolazione Fasciale® I-II livello Gen-Mag 2013 (Cesenatico, FC)
Manipolazione Fasciale® I-II livello Febb-Giu 2013 (Umbertide, PG)
Manipolazione Fasciale® II livello Mag 2013 (Pisa, PI)
Manipolazione Fasciale® I-II livello Mag-Sett 2013 (Vado Ligure, SV)
Manipolazione Fasciale® II livello Sett 2013 (Bari, BA)
Manipolazione Fasciale® I-II livello Sett-Nov 2013 (Zugliano, VI)
Manipolazione Fasciale® I-II livello Dic-Gen2014 (Savignano sul Rubicone, FC)
2012-2014: Partecipation at Fascial Manipulation® for Internal Dysfunctions (III level)
– 2014 Feb: Fascial Manipulation® teacher
– 2014 Feb-Mar : Teacher at “Corso di Approfondimento di Manipolazione Fasciale®”
– 2014 May – June : Teacher at “Corso di Manipolazione Fasciale®” F.C. Juventus. Vinovo (TO)
– 2014 June – Sept : Teacher at “Corso di Manipolazione Fasciale®” Monastier (TV)
– 2014 Sept: Speaker at “Convegno S.I.A (Società Italiana Artroscopia): MF® nella instabilità gleno-omerale” Treviso (TV)
– 2014 Oct: Teacher at “Corso di perfezionamento di Manipolazione Fasciale®” Centrale di Zugliano (VI)
– 2014 Oct : Speaker at “Convegno S.I.A (Società Italiana Artroscopia): MF® nelle patologie femoro-rotulee.” Treviso (TV)
– 2014 Oct – Feb 2015 : Teacher at “Corso di di Manipolazione Fasciale®” Corridonia (MC)
– 2015 Jan – Apr : Teacher at “Corso di di Manipolazione Fasciale®” Savignano sul Rubiconde (FC)
– 2015 Mar: Teacher at “Workshop di Manipolazione Fasciale®” Sorso (SS)
– 2015 Mar: Teacher at “Workshop di Manipolazione Fasciale®” Cagliari (CA)
– 2015 Marzo: Teacher at “Workshop di Manipolazione Fasciale®” Macomer (NU)
– 2015 Apr – Oct: Docente al Corso di di Manipolazione Fasciale® Rondelle di Brescia (BS)
– 2015 May – Sept: Teacher at “Corso di di Manipolazione Fasciale®” Sorso (SS)
– 2015 May – Sept: Teacher at “Corso di di Manipolazione Fasciale®” Cagliari (CA)
– 2015 Giugno: Relatore al Workshop di Manipolazione Fasciale® Università dell’Aquila (AQ)
Nowadays private practise in Cesena and Savignano sul Rubicone using Fascial Manipulation as unique Manual Therapy.

Antonio Stecco
Padova (Italy)
More Information
Email: antonio.stecco@gmail.com
Telefono: +39 348 7265553
Lingua principale: italian
Altre lingue: english
Nato ad Arzignano il 17/12/1981 e residente a Padova ITALY
2001-2007: Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia – Università degli studi di Padova, con Tesi“Analisi comparativa delle fasce del tronco e degli arti”
2010-2011: Fellowship all’Università UMDNJ ( USA) sul dolore miofasciale
2008-2012: Specializzazione in Medicina Fisica e Riabilitativa – Università degli studi di Padova, con Tesi ” Cervicalgia cronica: confronto terapeutico fra trattamento riabilitativo tradizionale e Manipolazione Fasciale”
2011-2012: Diploma Nazionale di Ecografia Clinica – Società Italiana di Ultrasonologia in Medicina e Biologia
– Membro Fondatore dell’Associazione Manipolazione Fasciale, di cui attualmente è Presidente.
– Assistant-President dell’Associazione Internazionale dei Fisiatra (ISPRM).
– Libero professionista:
svolge attività ambulatoriale;
si dedica alla ricerca scientifica rivolta allo studio delle fasce umane da un punto di vista macroscopico, istologico e fisiopatologico;
effettua personalmente dissezioni di cadaveri per la ricerca;
organizza e tiene corsi teorico-pratico sulla metodica di Manipolazione Fasciale sia in Italia che in altri paesi.
– Autore di numerose presentazioni in Congressi Internazionali tenute in tutti i Continenti.
– Autore di più di 20 articoli indicizzati sull’anatomia e fisiologia delle fasce.
– Coautore di un libro “Manipolazione Fasciale” parte teorica, Piccin, 2010, tradotto anche in lingua inglese.
– Coautore di alcuni capitoli sull’anatomia fasciale o sulla tecnica di Manipolazione Fasciale, nel libro ” Fascia in Manual Therapy” (Elsevier, 2010).

Carla Stecco
Vicenza (Italy)
More Information
Email: carla.stecco@unipd.it
Telefono: +39 347 9170301
Lingua principale: italian
Altre lingue: english
Orthopedist, Assistant Professor of Human Anatomy and Movement Sciences at the University of Padova. Founder Member of the Fascial Manipulation Association. Member of the Italian Society of Anatomy and Histology and of the Association Française des Morphologistes. Founder member of the Fascial Research society. Scientific activity devoted to the study of the anatomy of the human fasciae from a macroscopical, histological and physiopathological point of view. She personally made over 100 cadaver dissections for research. From 2000 she organizes and personally holds theoretical-practical courses about the Fascial Manipulation technique both in Italy and in other countries. Author of more than 80 in extenso papers about the fascial anatomy. Author of various chapters about the fascial anatomy or the Fascial Manipulation Technique. Coauthor of the books: Fascial Manipulation: Practical part (Piccin, 2007);Fascial Manipulation for Internal Dysfunctions (Piccin, 2013). Author of the book “Functional Atlas of the Human Fasciae” (Elsevier, 2014).
1: Stecco C et al (2013) The paratendineous tissues: an anatomical study of their role in the pathogenesis of tendinopathy. Surg Radiol Anat. [Epub ahead of print]
2: Stecco C et al (2013) Plantar fascia anatomy and its relationship with Achilles tendon and paratenon. J Anat. 223(6):665-76.
3: Stecco A, Meneghini A, Stern R, Stecco C, Imamura M (2013) Ultrasonography in myofascial neck pain: randomized clinical trial for diagnosis and follow-up. Surg Radiol Anat. 2013 Aug 23. [Epub ahead of print]
4: Stecco A, Gesi M, Stecco C, Stern R (2013) Fascial components of the myofascial pain syndrome. Curr Pain Headache Rep. 17(8):352.
5: Stecco C, Pavan P, Pachera P, De Caro R, Natali A (2013) Investigation of the mechanical properties of the human crural fascia and their possible clinical implications. Surg Radiol Anat. Jun 21. [Epub ahead of print]
6: Turrina A, Martínez-González MA, Stecco C (2013) The muscular force transmission system: role of the intramuscular connective tissue. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 17(1):95-102. Review.
7: Stecco C et al (2013) Fascia redefined: anatomical features and technical relevance in fascial flap surgery. Surg Radiol Anat. 2013 Jul;35(5):369-76.
8: Guarda-Nardini L, Stecco A, Stecco C, Masiero S, Manfredini D (2012)Myofascial pain of the jaw muscles: comparison of short-term effectiveness of botulinum toxin injections and fascial manipulation technique. Cranio. 30(2):95-102.
9: Stecco C et al (2011)Hyaluronan within fascia in the etiology of myofascial pain. Surg Radiol Anat. 33(10):891-6.
10: Pavan PG, Stecco C, Darwish S, Natali AN, De Caro R (2011) Investigation of the mechanical properties of the plantar aponeurosis. Surg Radiol Anat. 33(10):905-11.
11: Picelli A, Ledro G, Turrina A, Stecco C, Santilli V, Smania N (2011) Effects of myofascial technique in patients with subacute whiplash associated disorders: a pilot study. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 47(4):561-8.
12: Stecco A, Stecco C, Macchi V, Porzionato A, Ferraro C, Masiero S, De Caro R (2011) RMI study and clinical correlations of ankle retinacula damage and outcomes of ankle sprain. Surg Radiol Anat. 33(10):881-90.
13: Lancerotto L, Stecco C, Macchi V, Porzionato A, Stecco A, De Caro R (2011) Layers of the abdominal wall: anatomical investigation of subcutaneous tissue and superficial fascia. Surg Radiol Anat. 33(10):835-42.
14: Benetazzo L, Bizzego A, De Caro R, Frigo G, Guidolin D, Stecco C (2011) 3D reconstruction of the crural and thoracolumbar fasciae. Surg Radiol Anat.
15: Stecco C, Macchi V, Porzionato A, Duparc F, De Caro R (2011) The fascia: the forgotten structure. Ital J Anat Embryol. 2011;116(3):127-38. Review.
16: Ercole B, Antonio S, Julie Ann D, Stecco C (2010) How much time is required to modify a fascial fibrosis? J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2010 Oct;14(4):318-25.
17: Stecco C, Macchi V, Lancerotto L, Tiengo C, Porzionato A, De Caro R. Comparison of Transverse Carpal Ligament and Flexor Retinaculum Terminology for the Wrist. J Hand Surg Am. 2010 Mar 24. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 20346594.
18: Stecco C, Macchi V, Porzionato A, Morra A, Parenti A, Stecco A, Delmas V, De Caro R. The Ankle Retinacula: Morphological Evidence of the Proprioceptive Role of the Fascial System. Cells Tissues Organs. 2010 Feb 27. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 20197652.
19: Natali AN, Pavan PG, Stecco C. A constitutive model for the mechanical characterization of the plantar fascia. Connect Tissue Res. 2010 Feb 22. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 20175692.
20: Macchi V, Tiengo C, Porzionato A, Stecco C, Vigato E, Parenti A, Azzena B, Weiglein A, Mazzoleni F, De Caro R. Histotopographic study of the fibroadipose connective cheek system. Cells Tissues Organs. 2010;191(1):47-56. Epub 2009 Jun 24. PubMed PMID: 19556742.
21: Day JA, Stecco C, Stecco A. Application of Fascial Manipulation technique in chronic shoulder pain–anatomical basis and clinical implications. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2009 Apr;13(2):128-35. Epub 2008 Jun 24. PubMed PMID: 19329049.
22: Stecco C, Pavan PG, Porzionato A, Macchi V, Lancerotto L, Carniel EL, Natali AN, De Caro R. Mechanics of crural fascia: from anatomy to costitutive modelling. Surg Radiol Anat. 2009 Aug;31(7):523-9. Epub 2009 Feb 26. PubMed PMID: 19242635.
23: Pedrelli A, Stecco C, Day JA. Treating patellar tendinopathy with Fascial Manipulation. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2009 Jan;13(1):73-80. Epub 2008 Jul 26. PubMed PMID: 19118795.
24: Stecco A, Macchi V, Stecco C, Porzionato A, Ann Day J, Delmas V, De Caro R. Anatomical study of myofascial continuity in the anterior region of the upper limb. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2009 Jan;13(1):53-62. Epub 2007 Jun 28. PubMed PMID: 19118793.
25: Stecco C, Porzionato A, Lancerotto L, Stecco A, Macchi V, Day JA, De Caro R. Histological study of the deep fasciae of the limbs. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2008 Jul;12(3):225-30. Epub 2008 Jun 13. PubMed PMID: 19083678.
26: Stecco A, Macchi V, Masiero S, Porzionato A, Tiengo C, Stecco C, Delmas V, De Caro R. Pectoral and femoral fasciae: common aspects and regional specializations. Surg Radiol Anat. 2009 Jan;31(1):35-42. Epub 2008 Jul 29. PubMed PMID: 18663404.
27: Stecco C, Porzionato A, Macchi V, Stecco A, Vigato E, Parenti A, Delmas V, Aldegheri R, De Caro R. The expansions of the pectoral girdle muscles onto the brachial fascia: morphological aspects and spatial disposition. Cells Tissues Organs. 2008;188(3):320-9. Epub 2008 Mar 19. PubMed PMID: 18349526.
28: Stecco C, Gagey O, Belloni A, Pozzuoli A, Porzionato A, Macchi V, Aldegheri R, De Caro R, Delmas V. Anatomy of the deep fascia of the upper limb. Second part: study of innervation. Morphologie. 2007 Mar;91(292):38-43. PubMed PMID: 17574469.

Cheryl Megalos
More Information
Email: cjmegalos@shaw.ca
Telefono: 604-731-6225
Cheryl Megalos completed her Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy at the University of British Columbia, in 1994. She has worked in orthopaedics since.
Post-graduate study:
*2002-Canadian Academy of Manipulative Therapists –RCAMT 2002 giving her a solid background in orthopaedic rehabilitation with a manual therapy approach.
*1997-2009-Dr Shirley Sahrmann Method: movement strategies, as taught by Dr Sahrmann, a biomechanical approach to her practise, which addresses retraining of the proprioceptive system after injury.
*2007- Intramuscular Stimulation with Dr Chan Gunn (GIMS) at the Institute for the Study and Treatment of Pain (iSTOP), she became certified to practice IMS
2010- Fascial Manipulation™ -training in Thiene, Italy in 2010 in the first international course in English.
Level I,2010(assist 2012, 2013, 2014)
Level II 2010, 2011(assist 2013)
Level III September 2013, June 2015
Certified teacher of Level I and II June 2015
While in Italy she has had the pleasure and honour of learning from the “Family Stecco:”
Cheryl Megalos PT has been teaching workshops and courses in Fascial Manipulation® to manual therapists in North America since 2012 and has taught a Level I in Thiene, Italy to an international class in 2015.
Currently, she works as a physiotherapist in Vancouver in a busy practise, which includes a number of specialties. Because of this she has the opportunity to work with a broad spectrum of injuries, acute to chronic, including TMJ problems, vestibular, hand and upper extremity, sport and spinal injuries, as well as, treating women with pain and dysfunction post mastectomy surgery.

Edward Traum
Tempe (Arizona)
More Information
Email: eatraum@hotmail.com
Telefono: +1 480-456-3703
Lingua principale: English
Altre lingue: Spanish
Contribute to the Expansion of Clinical Knowledge and Practice of Fascial Manipulation
1998, Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine, Cum Laude
Western States Chiropractic College, Portland, Oregon
1988, BS Finance/Economics
California State University, Chico
Fascial Manipulation Courses
Part III: 2013, 2015
Part II: 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011
Part I: 2014, 2013, 2011
Positions Held
Instructor of Fascial Manipulation 2015 to present
Chiropractor; Tempe, Arizona, 1998 to Present
Firefighter; City of Phoenix, 2001 to Present
Promotion to Engineer April 2007
Other Post Graduate Course Work
Neuromuscular Re-education, Rehabilitative Exercises, Ergonomics,
Muscle/Fascial Physiology, Nutritional Medicine, Activator Technique,
Applied Kinesiology,
Professional Organizations
St. Lukes Hospital Sports Medicine Team
US Martial Arts Team
Arizona Association of Chiropractic
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Association
Fascial Research Society, Founding Member
Phoenix Fire Department
Interests and Activities
Physical Fitness, Martial Arts, Backpacking,
Wilderness survival, Hunting, Skiing, Third World Relief Work
Volunteer Experience
1990-1992 United States Peace Corps Volunteer
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Computer Skills
Power Point, Publisher, Word
Licenses and Certificates
Chiropractic, Emergency Medical Technician

Fabiana Badetti
Monza (Italy)
More Information
Email: fabiana.badetti@gmail.com
Telefono: +39 348 5764358
Lingua principale: italian
Nata a Milano il 24-09-1983 e conseguita la maturità classica nel 2002.
S’ iscrive all’Università Bicocca di Milano, laureandosi in Fisioterapia nel 2005.
Da sempre in libera professione.
Partecipa al primo e secondo livello di Manipolazione Fasciale nel 2008 e al terzo livello nel 2010.
Da allora ha continuato ad approfondire la materia, seguendo più corsi, sia in lingua italiana che inglese, con differenti docenti.
Nel 2013 ha aperto un proprio studio, ove utilizza unicamente la Manipolazione Fasciale come strumento di lavoro.

Francesco Motton
Verona (Italy)
More Information
Lingua principale: Italiano
Altre lingue: English
Francesco Motton (19/12/1984)
• 2008 – Laureato in Fisioterapia presso l’Università degli studi di Verona
• 2009 – Master di 1° Livello in Fisioterapia Sportiva presso l’Università degli studi di Pisa
• 2010 – Corso di Perfezionamento in Terapia Manuale presso l’Università degli studi di Pisa
• 2012 – Riabilitazione dei problemi dell’apparato locomotore concetto Mainland®
• 2013 – Riabilitazione Morfologico Postulare concetto Mézières
• Dal 2011 – Corsi di Manipolazione Fasciale® Metodo Stecco® di 1°, 2° e 3° Livello
• Dal 2015 al 2017 – Assistente docente ai corsi di Manipolazione Fasciale per le Disfunzioni Interne®
• Dal 2017 – Docente Certificato di Manipolazione Fasciale per le Disfunzioni Interne®
• Dal 2011 è libero professionista presso ambulatorio privato dove utilizza la Manipolazione Fasciale® come unico strumento operativo.
• 2008 – Degree in Physiotherapy, University of Verona
• 2009 – 1st level Master in Sports Physiotherapy, University of Pisa
• 2010 – Advanced Course of Manual Therapy, University of Pisa
• 2012 – Muscoloskeletal Rehabilitation, Maitland® Method
• 2013 – Morphological and Postural Rehabilitation, Mézières Method
• 2011/present – 1st-2nd & 3rd Level Fascial Manipulation® Stecco Method®
• 2015/2017 – Training as Teacher in Fascial Manipulation for Internal Dysfunctions® (Stecco Method®)
• 2017 – FMID Teacher
• 2011/present – Physiotherapist, using Fascial Manipulation® as unique method (private practise in Verona, Italy)

Francesco Pacenza
Pordenone (Italy)
More Information
Email: pacenza.francesco@gmail.com
Lingua principale: italian
Altre lingue: english
Maturità scientifica, consegue nel 2011 la laurea con lode in Fisioterapia presso l’Università degli studi di Udine ,frequentando il 4 anno presso La Trobe University of Melbourne. Successivamente si forma in terapia manuale grazie a vari corsi di specializzazione quali il Certificate of Orthopaedic Manual Therapy presso la Curtin University. Dal 2011 inizia a collaborare quale traduttore di diversi corsi di terapia manuale e nel 2015 partecipa alla traduzione del libro di Leon Chaitow “Fascial Dysfunctions: Manual Therapy approaches”. Nel 2009, durante la formazione universitaria, conosce la Manipolazione Fasciale e completa l’intero percorso post-laurea frequentando i corsi di 1,2 e 3 livello con vari docenti per approfondire nel dettaglio la metodica. Inoltre frequenta diversi workshop di approfondimento di 1 e 2 livello (2012 e 2013) e di 3 livello (2016) ed i convegni annuali della AMF (2011-2016) diventando assistente alla docenza nel 2013. In collaborazione con altri docenti internazionali tiene diversi workshop di introduzione alla metodica: a marzo 2013 presso la Ulm University (convegno Connective Tissues in Sports Medicine) a ottobre 2013 durante il Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back& Pelvic Girdle Pain a Dubai e a maggio 2016 a Rjiad in Arabia Saudita durante il Certificate of Orthopaedic Manual Therapy organizzato da Manual Concepts e dalla Curtin University. Nel 2015 ottiene il Certificate : Advanced course of muscle-fascial anatomical dissections con la Prof. Carla Stecco presso l’Università degli studi di Padova. Attualmente lavora come fisioterapista specializzato in disfunzioni muscoloschetriche presso la propria clinica privata MOVE a Pordenone.
Bachelor of Science cum laude in Physiotherapy from the University of Udine, 2011. Thanks to a scholarship he attended the 4th year at La Trobe University of Melbourne. After graduation, he took several courses such as the Certificate of Orthopaedic Manual Therapy (Curtin University) to develop clinical expertise in the field of musculoskeletal physiotherapy. From 2011 he works as translator and provider of different post-graduate physiotherapy courses. In 2015 he participated in the italian translation of Leon Chaitow book “Fascial Dysfunctions: Manual Therapy approaches”. In 2009 he started studying and practicing Fascial Manipulation, completing all the courses of 1st, 2nd and 3rd level with different instructors in order to improve his clinical and manual skills. Furthermore, he completed several advanced workshop of 1st/2nd level (2012, 2013) and 3rd level (2016) and the annual Fascial Manipulation conferences (2011-2016) becoming Teacher Assistant in 2013. Together with several international teachers he held several FM introductory workshops: Ulm University (Connective Tissues in Sports Medicine conference, march 2013), Dubai (Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back & Pelvic Girdle Pain, october 2013) e Rjiad (Certificate of Orthopaedic Manual Therapy by Manual Concepts and Curtin University, 2016). In 2015 he completed the first Certificate: Advanced course of muscle-fascial anatomical dissections with Prof. Carla Stecco (Padua University) becoming Fascial Manipulation Teacher in september 2016. At the moment, he works as lead physiotherapist and director in his own private clinic MOVE in Pordenone, Italy.

Gian Luca Depriori
More Information
Nato a Treviglio (Bergamo) il 06-02-1974 si Laurea in fisioterapia nel 1995/96 presso l’ospedale di Cremona con il voto di 70/70.
Nel 2007 Laurea in fisioterapia di 1° livello presso l’università
“Gabriele D’Annunzio” di Chieti/Pescara con il voto di 108/110.
Dal 1996 svolge attività di libero professionista, presso il suo Studio Privato.
Negli anni frequenta corsi completi di diverse metodiche tra cui, Metodo Mckenzie, Trigger point, Neurodinamica,
Linfodrenaggio, corsi sull’ articolazione temporo-mandibolare.
Frequenta il primo corso di Manipolazione Fasciale nel 2008 e da allora la utilizza come unico strumento di lavoro, completando la sua formazione con i corsi di I, II e III Livello.
Dal 2008 ha frequentato più volte i corsi e gli approfondimenti di I, II,III livello.
Diventa Docente Certificato di Manipolazione Fasciale di III livello nel giugno 2017.

Giorgio Rucli
More Information
Email: giorgiorucli@gmail.com
Lingua principale: italian
Altre lingue: english
Giorgio Rucli, PT, was born in Cividale, Udine in Italy. After an initial career as a professional athlete for the National Italian team, starring in hurdles and decathlon events, Giorgio Rucli completed his Diploma in Physiotherapy in 1986. He has been working in private practice since 1991 and has studied with M. Bienfait, completed courses in Postural Re-education and Orthopedic medicine according to Cyriax. From 1991 to 1996, he was the team physiotherapist of several professional soccer and basketball teams in the north of Italy.
Since 2008, Giorgio teaches manual therapy techniques to physiotherapy students at the University of Udine. He began studying Fascial Manipulation with Luigi Stecco in 1996, and continued on-going training in this method to become an authorized teacher of this method in 1998. Since then he has taught courses extensively in Italy, Poland, Usa, Israel and has presented Fascial Manipulation during different conferences in Italy, Netherlands, USA, and Norway
Rucli is part of the founding members of Fascial Manipulation.

Hitoshi Takei
Tokyo (Japan)
More Information
Email: takei@tmu.ac.jp
Telefono: +81-3-3819-7302
Professor, Division of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Health Sciences, Graduate School of Human Health Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University (Full time)
Fascial Manupilation Provider in Japan
Education & Qualifications:
1987 Physical Therapist, PT
1993 Bachelor in Education
1997 Master’s degree in Rehabilitation
2002 Ph.D in Medicine (Anatomy)
2008 Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapist, OMPT
2014 Golf Physio Trainer (Europian Association GolfPhysio Therapy & Golf MedicalTherapy)
2015 Golf Physio Therapist (Europian Association GolfPhysio Therapy & Golf MedicalTherapy)
2015 Fascial Manipulation Teacher of Level 1 & 2
Clinical Experience:
1987-1990 Kiyose Hospital, Staff Cooperative Association, Tokyo Metropolitan (Full time)
1995- Senkawa-Shinoda Orthopaedic Clinic (Part time)
2004-2011 Kawakita General Hospital (Part time)
2015- Seiyukai Hospital (Part time)
Saitoh Orthopaedic Clinic (Part time)

Jaroslaw Ciechomski
Puszczykowo (PL)
More Information
Email: jciechomski@interia.pl
Telefono: +48 666 043494
Lingua principale: polish
Altre lingue: english
Personal data
Date and place of birth: 31.12.1972. Wałcz.
2003 Doctor degree at Academy of Physical Education in Poznań
1991 – 1995 Academy of Physical Education Poznań, Physiotherapy
2003 -2009 Sutherland Collage of Osteopathic Medicine, Poland
Physiotherapy experience
1996 –2007, Academy of Physical Education Poznań, assistant Professor
1998 – now, private practice
Physiotherapy and Osteopathy Qualifications
2012 – Qualified as Fascial Manipulation teacher
2012 – Anatomy Dissection of the Fascial System, prof. Frank Willard, Brussels, 32 hours
2012 – Cranial Therapy in Muscle and joint chains method GDS, workshop 24 hours
2012 – Fascial Membrane Techniques Level 1, Peter Schwind
2011- 2012 Myofascial Release, Level 1,2, Robert Schleip
2011- Fascial Distorsion Model, 60 hours,
2010 – 2011- Dry Needling and Manual Therapy of the Trigger Points, D. Simons Academy, International Therapist
2010-2011- Visceral Manipulations, Upledger Institute Germany, 100 hours
2011- Fascial Manipulation, Italy, Poland, course assistant
2010- Fascial Manipulation, Poland, course assistant
2007-2008- Fascial Manipulation, Poland,
2007-2010- Muscle and Joint Chains method GDS
2010- Diagnosis and treatment in osteopathy of the Temporo-mandibular Joint, osteopathic postgraduate workshop 32 hours, Poland
2007, 2009- Anatomy Dissection, Vrije Universitet Brussles, dr Francis Lafosse D.O. 64 hrs 2007- Manual therapy clinical workshop, prof. Levitt, Prague, 24 hours
2005-2006 Craniosacral Therapy, Upledger Institute Germany, 120 hours
2005- Trigger Point Therapy, Ed Wilson, Holland, workshop 24 hours
2003 – International Therapist Proprioreceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation, Bad Nauhein, Germany
2002-2003 Global Institute Dr J. Cyriax, Orthopedic Medicine International Therapist
2002-2003 International McKenzie Institiute, , International Therapist
2002-2003 Brian Mulligan Concepts, MCTA, III level
2002-2003PNF and manual therapyin combination, workshop, 20 hours
2003 PNF and Neuromobilization in combination, workshop, 20 hours
2002- Polskie Lekarskie Towarzystwo Medycyny Manualnej, Fascial release and deep stabilization system”- z prof. K. Lewita, 20 hours
2002- Stowarzyszenie na Rzecz Rehabilitacji Funkcjonalnej PNF Proprioreceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation” – PNF in spasticity, 20 hours.
2000- Centrum Medyczne Kształcenia Podyplomowego , Klinika Rehabilitacji –Certified Manual Therapist
1998 – 1999 Polish Association of Manual Medicine, 200 Hours, V Levels, exams ;
1999 AKSONMED; workshop: Neurodevelopment Treatment, 20 hours;
1999 – Neuromobilization in Manual Therapy,80 Hours, V levels with exams
J.Ciechomski, Manual therapy and physical medicine treatment in carpal tunnel syndrome. Medycyna Manualna. 2001. Vol VI, nr 3,4
T. Garsztka, J.Ciechomski, Treatment program of scoliosis using PNF method – preparing to operation with CD method. Medycyna Manualna. 2001. Vol. V, nr 1,2
J.Ciechomski, J.Karolkiewicz, z.Kasprzak, Ł. Szczesniak, Disturbance in homeostasis of prooxidative- antyoxidative system after increasing intensive physical exercise – influence of Swedish massage. Fizjoterapia Polska.vol 4,nr 2, 2004
J. Ciechomski, “Application of myofascial release techniques in treatment of frozen shoulder”. Neurofizjologia Kliniczna i terapia manualna w usprawnianiu narzadu Ruchu, Zeszyt Promocji Rehabilitacji nr 4, Ośrodek wydawnictw Naukowych , pp101-109,2009
M.Majchrzycki, J. Ciechomski, ‘Pseudoradicular pain” ”. Neurofizjologia Kliniczna i terapia manualna w usprawnianiu narzadu Ruchu, Zeszyt Promocji Rehabilitacji nr 4, Ośrodek wydawnictw Naukowych , pp49-54,,2009
J.Ciechomski, M. Majhcrzycki, ‘Use of osteopathic techniques in treatment of lymphatic dysfunction” Dysfunction of the Locomotor System, 1/2010, Poznań University of Medical Sciences ,pp52-64, 2010
Membership in PT , D.O. organizations
Polish Association of Physiotherapy, chairman of Wielkopolska Region , 2012 vice president,
Polish Association of Manual Medicine, secretary 2005-2007
Association Osteopaths of Poland, 2005-2009 vice president, now member
Fascial Manipulation Association 2011 now member
Polish, English, Russian

Julie Ann Day
Padova (Italy)
More Information
Email: lavitava@gmail.com
Telefono: +39 348 9186547
Lingua principale: english
Altre lingue: english
Originally from Adelaide, Australia and physiotherapist since 1977, Julie has been a practitioner of Fascial Manipulation since 1999. An authorized teacher of this method and founding member of the AMF (Asssociazione Manipolazione Fasciale), she has translated three texts on this subject (“Fascial Manipulation for Musculoskeletal Pain”, Ed. Piccin, 2004 and “Fascial Manipulation – Pratical Part” Ed. Piccin, 2009), Fascial Manipulation for Internal Dysfunctions (2013)). Julie lives and works in Padova, Italy. She has taught courses of Fascial Manipulation in English in Italy, Canada, USA, Poland, Finland, Denmark, and Australia and has presented several workshops and presentations in different countries.
Julie Ann Day, nata a Adelaide, Australia è fisioterapista da 1977. Dal 1999 pratica la Manipolazione Fasciale e fa parte del gruppo di docenti da 2002. Ha curato la traduzione in inglese dei testi: Manipolazione della Fascia di Luigi Stecco (2004), Manipolazione Fasciale – Parte Pratica di Luigi e Carla Stecco (2009), Manipolazione Fasciale per le disfunzioni interne (2013). Svolge la sua attività professionale a Padova (Italia) dove lavora nel campo ortopedico. Insegna Manipolazione Fasciale in lingua inglese in Italia, USA, Finlandia, Canada, Danimarca e Australia e ha presentato diversi workshop in conferenze Internazionali.

Kobi Weiss
Tel Aviv (Israel)
More Information
Academic Background
1983 – 1987
Institute: Ben – Gurion University of the Negev. The Faculty of Health Sciences.
Recanati School for Community Health Professions.
Accreditations: B.P.T, Certified Clinical Instructor (Tel Aviv University.)
Work Experience
2001 – Today:: Private Clinic ( Weiss & Reznik Physical Therapy clinic since 2013 ).
Private Practitioner – Sports injuries (running, cycling, gymnastics, dancing, etc’ ), post operative & post trauma rehabilitation, back pain and more .
1987 – 2001:
Institute: Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, Physical Therapy Division.
1999, Chief Physiotherapist, IDF, Soldiers Rehabilitation Department.
1998, Physiotherapist, Rehabilitation & Outpatient Clinic, PT Institute.
1995, Vice Director, Physical Therapy Institute Research and Development and inter-department relations.
1991, Clinical Instructor, Orthopedics & Trauma Department (in affiliation with Tel-Aviv University & Ben Gurion University)
1991, Chief Physiotherapist, Orthopedics & Trauma Department.
1988, Clinical Instructor, Chest & Heart Surgery Dep’ & RICU. (in affiliation with Tel-Aviv University & Ben Gurion University)
1987, Physiotherapist, Chest & Heart Surgery Dep’.
1987, Physiotherapist, RICU.
1998 – 2001 – Israeli Physical Therapy Association. Founding Member & Secretary of the Academic Committee (volunteer).
Teaching Experience
2016 – Qualified Fascial Manipulation teacher, Italy.
2001 – Today – Wingate Institute, Israel’s National Centre for Physical Education & Sport. Lecturer, sport injury & Orthopedics
1995 – 2001 – Ben – Gorion University of the Negev. Recanati School, PT Division. Lecturer, Orthopedics Physiotherapy.
1988 – 1991 – Clinical Instructor, Chest & Heart Surgery Dep’ & RICU. ( in affiliation with Tel- Aviv University & Ben Gurion University )
1991 – 2001 – Clinical Instructor, Orthopedics & Trauma Department
(in affiliation with Tel-Aviv University & Ben Gurion University)
Professional Qualifications
1988: Respiratory Physio’ & Rehab’. Webber Barbara, Brompeton, UK.
1990: Electrotherapy, level 1&2, Rolf Hoogland, Conen van Stralen, Netherlands.
1992: Clinical Instructors Course, Tel Aviv University, Faculty of Medicine, Israel.
1993: SEMG Biofeedback, level 1&2, Prop’ Steven Wolf , Glan Kasmam, USA.
1995: McConnell Concept to PFj, McConnell Jenny, Australia
1996: McConnell Concept to shoulder, McConnell Jenny, Australia.
1997: MET concept, Leo Wouters, Belgium.
2000: Biofeedback, Erik Peper, USA.
2003: Osteopathic Visceral Therapy, Jozy Potasnik, Israel.
2004: Somatic Experiencing, level 1 & 2 , Peter A. Levine concept, Gina Ross, USA.
2006: Mulligan’s Concept, level 1&2, Toby Hall, Johan Alemalm, Australia.
2009: KINESIS, Anatomy Trains, Yaron Gal Carmel, USA.
2010: KINESIS, Anatomy Trains, Palvis Fan, Yaron Gal Carmel, USA
2011: Kinesiotherapy, Dr Kenzo Kase Concept , level 1, Israel.
2012 – 2015: Fascial Manipulation Technique, Level 1&2 & 3, Israel & ,Italy.

Lawrence Steinbeck
Kennesaw (GA, USA)
More Information
Email: larry.steinbeck@gmail.com
Telefono: +1 404 271 1274
Lingua principale: english
Objective: Instructor of Fascial Manipulation© through the Fascial Manipulation Association
Instructor Fascial Manipulation® method, Fascial Manipulation Association
Certified Myofascial Trigger Point Needling (Myopain Seminars)
Guest lecturer Mercer University (Atlanta, GA) School of Physical Therapy
October 2013 Poster Presentation, Virginia Physical Therapy Association state meeting, “Deep Fascia’s Regional Interdependence Role in Motor Control and Tri-Planer Assessment and Intervention”
October 2013 Poster Presentation, American Acedemy of manual Physical Therapists, Case report utilizing Fascial Manipulation® method, “Regional interdependence versus planar interdependence”
March 2013 Presentation Physical Therapy Association of Georgia, Spring Meeting, “Fascial Anatomy in Manual Therapy: Introducing a New Biomechanical Model”
Lecturer fascia’s role in musculoskeletal pain, Mercer University, School of Physical Therapy
Completed the Level 1, 6 day course in Thiene, Italy (first English couse)
Completed the Level 2, 6 day course in Thiene, Italy (first English couse)
Myofascial Release through Michigan State University School of Osteopathy
Strain/Counterstrain technique Michigan State University School of Osteopathy
Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation through Institute of Physical Art
Functional Technique, Ed Stiles, D.O.
Cervical Thoracic Integration and Lumbopelvic Integration (Muscle Energy Technique/Mitchell) through Institute of Physical Art
Functional Orthopedics through Institute of Physical Art
Introduction to Thrust Technique for the spine through Spinal Manipulation Institute/Dunning
Book reviewer AAOMPT 2009
2002 – Present: Atlanta Falcons Physical Therapy Center/Jasper Physical Therapy. Manager of Physical Therapy. Captain for clinical internships and clinical education
1991 – 2002: Visiting Nurse Health System. Provided home physical therapy
1990 – 1991: Georgia Sports Institute. Staff physical therapist in outpatient orthopedics
1988 – 1990: Professional Rehabilitation. Staff physical therapist in outpatient orthopedics
1986 – 1988: Vaughan Buchanan and Associates. Staff physical therapist in outpatient orthopedics
1981 to 1985:Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy, Minor in Athletic Training. Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana
1985 to 1986: Masters of Science in Physical Education/Athletic Training. Ohio University, Athens, Ohio

Lorenzo Copetti
More Information
Email: l.copetti@alice.it
Telefono: +39 340 4911415
Lingua principale: italian
Altre lingue: english
Lorenzo Copetti, PT, was born in Tolmezzo, Italy. In 1981 he completed his Diploma in Physiotherapy and has been a private practitioner since 1982. He has studied with Ph. Souchard (Global Postural Re-education), M. Bienfait (Osteopathic techniques), A. J. Koning (Visceral Manipulation) and completed his Cyriax training in 1993. After his first course in Fascial Manipulation© with Luigi Stecco in 1997, Lorenzo has continued on-going training in this method to become an authorized teacher in 1998.
He has taught numerous courses in Italy,Poland,Israel,U.S.A,Denmark, Finland. Since 1992 he has also taught Manual Therapy techniques to Physiotherapy students at the University of Udine in Italy and has supervised a number of theses papers. He is a member of the examination commission for the course in “General Rehabilitation Methodology and Manual Therapy” at the same University.

Lorenzo Freschi
Cesena (Italy)
More Information
Email: freschi.lorenzo@gmail.com
Telefono: +39 349 5331618
Lingua principale: italian
Altre lingue: english
Fascial Manipulation Teacher
Teacher of burn rehabilitation at Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna and at the University of Ferrara
2011 Corso di perfezionamento in manipolazione fasciale ( teacher Luigi Stecco)
I attended one Fascial manipulation advanced course every year from 2001 to 2012
2011 Course of Fascial Manipulation for internal dysfunctions (Teacher Luigi Stecco , Carla Stecco and Antonio Stecco)
2009 Course of Fascial manipulation for internal dysfunctions (Teacher Luigi Stecco , Carla Stecco and Antonio Stecco)
2006 Course of critical appraising “lettura critica di letteratura scientifica”
2004, 2005, 2006 Course of advanced evidence based medicine:”la ricerca di evidenze scientifiche“(search of scientific evidence)
2001: Course of Fascial manipulation first and second level (teacher E. Borgini) in Cesena, Italy
2000: Course of Fascial manipulation first and second level (teacher E .Borgini) in Forlì, Italy
1998: Course of “Manipolazione Neuroconnettivale” (old name of fascial manipulation) (Teacher: Luigi Stecco )
1994: Graduate in Physiotherapy at the Regional School for Rehabilitation Therapist (University of Bologna, Italy)
From 2001 I have been supervisor of 3rd year Physiotherapy student from the University of Bologna and Ferrara during their orthopaedic clinical practice
1999 – 2013 employed at the Physiotherapy department of the M. Bufalini Hospital in Cesena
1994 – 2005 Physiotherapist for “ Carisp basket 82” basketball team
2013 currently employed as a freelancer in own private clinic
2013 Fascial Manipulation, 2nd level, Tokyo (Japan) English language
2012 Fascial Manipulation, 1st level , Tel Aviv, (Israel) English language
2012 Fascial Manipulation, 2nd level, Arcade Institute (Cesena , Italy)
2012 Fascial Manipulation, 1st level, Arcade Institute (Savignano, Italy)
2012 Fascial Manipulation, 2nd level, Prosperius Institute (Umbertide, Italy)
2012 Fascial Manipulation , 1st level, Prosperius Institute ( Umbertide, Italy)
2012 Fascial Manipulation, 2nd level, Arcade Institute (Cesena , Italy)
2012 Fascial Manipulation, 1st level, Arcade Institute (Savignano, Italy)
2012 Fascial Manipulation, 2nd level, Prosperius Institute (Umbertide, Italy)
2012 Fascial Manipulation , 1st level, Prosperius Institute ( Umbertide, Italy)
2009 Burn patient rehabilitatation (Verona Univesity, in Rovereto Italy)
2007 Burn rehabilitation (Fermo, Italy)
2005- present Burn rehabilitation, (Bologna University)
2004- present Burn rehabilitation, (Ferrara University)
2013 Fascial Manipulation 3rd level International course Centrale di Zuliano (Vicenza, italy)
2013 Fascial Manipulation 3rd level Centrale di Zuliano (Vicenza, italy)
2008 Fascial Manipulation , 1st and 2nd level, Montegrotto Terme (Padova, Italy)
2006 -Present : Member of Medicine and Physiotherapist Research Team at the M. Bufalini Hospital, Cesena, Italy
I have been invited as a speaker in the following national conferences:
CO.R.TE congres 2010 Powerpoint presentation (Rome, Italy)
SIUst National congres 2010 Powerpoint presentation (Venice, Italy)
SIUst National congres 2002 Powerpoint presentation (Rimini, Italy)
SIUst National congres 2001 Powerpoint presentation ( Milan, Italy)
SIUst (Italian Burn Socety) National congres 1998 Powerpoint presentation ( Turin, Italy)
20th national congres Italian Socety of Pediatric Neuro “La fisioterapia respiratoria in un reparto si patologia neonatale” 1994 (Respiratory physiotherapy in a neonatal pathology departement)
Italian Pediatric Socety “Fisioterapia respiratoria al neonato a rischio di disaplasia broncopolmnare: scheda di raccolata dati” ( physiotherapy to the infant at risk for broncopulmonary dyspalsia: card data deposit)
I have written a chapter of the book:”Le ferite acute. Assistenza e menagement delle ustioni, delle ferite chirurgiche e traumatiche” G. Caminati, A.Pagnetti, Mc Graw Hill (Acute wounds. Support and management of burn, surgical wounds and traumatic ) output 2012
Member of FMA (Fascial Manipulation Association ) from 2010.

Luca Cossarini
Bologna (Italy)
More Information
Email: lucacoss@yahoo.it
Telefono: +39 340 6144891
Lingua principale: italian
Altre lingue: english
Physiotherapist and Fascial Manipulation Teacher.
2008: Graduate in Physiotherapy at the “Alma Mater Studiorum University” (Bologna – italy);
2008: First course of Fascial Manipulation for internal dysfunctions (Teachers: Luigi Stecco Carla Stecco and Antonio Stecco)
2005: Course of Fascial Manipulation, 1st and 2nd level (Teachers: Luigi Stecco and Carla Stecco)
(I attended two FM advanced courses every year from that time)
2008 – present: Physioterapist (private practice in Cesena, Italy)
July 2009 – Oct 1997: Physiotherapist for “Medoc: Sport and Work Medicine Institute” (Italy)
Nov 2006 – July 2009: Physiotherapist for “Savignanese soccer team” (italy)
10/2009 Relatore all’ “ INTERNATIONAL FASCIA RESEARCH CONGRESS” presso la Vrije Amsterdam University
10/2011 Relatore al “corso di perfezionamento in Manpolazione fasciale” (Vicenza)
02/2012 Relatore all’ “ INTERNATIONAL FASCIA RESEARCH CONGRESS” tenutosi a Vancouver (Canada)
2013 Fascial Manipulation, 1nd level, Boston (Usa)
2013 Fascial Manipulation, 2nd level, Dallas (Usa)
2013 Fascial Manipulation, 1nd level, London (UK)
2013 Fascial Manipulation, 1nd level, Dublin (Ireland)
2013 Fascial Manipulation, 1nd level, Johannesburg (S.Africa)
2013 Fascial Manipulation, 1nd level,Capetown (S.Africa)
2013 Fascial Manipulation, 2nd level, Tokio (Japan)
2013 Fascial Manipulation, 1nd level, Las Vegas (Usa)
2013 Fascial Manipulation, 1nd level, (july)Tel Aviv (Israel)
2013 Fascial Manipulation, 1nd level, Sport Medicine Institute (Torino, Italy)
2013 Fascial Manipulation, 1nd level, Stecco Medical Center (Italy)
2013 Fascial Manipulation, 2nd level, Stecco Medical Center(Italy)
2013 Fascial Manipulation, 2nd level, (january)Tel Aviv (Israel)
2013 Fascial Manipulation, 1nd level, Jerusalem (Israel)
2013 Fascial Manipulation, 1nd level (January), Tel Aviv (Israel)
2012 Fascial Manipulation, 1nd level (february), Tel Aviv (Israel)
2012 Fascial Manipulation, 1nd level (july), Tel Aviv (Israel)
2012 Fascial Manipulation, 1nd level (November), Tel Aviv (Israel)
2012 Fascial Manipulation, 1nd level, Capetown (S.Africa)
2012 Fascial Manipulation, 1nd level, Johannesburg (S.Africa)
2012Fascial Manipulation, 1st level, MedicalUniversity (Pisa, Italy)
2012 Fascial Manipulation, 2nd level, Medical University (Pisa, Italy)
2012 Fascial Manipulation , 2nd level, Assaf Arrof Medical Center ( Tel Aviv, Israel)
2011 Fascial Manipulation , 1st level, Assaf Arrof Medical Center ( Tel Aviv, Israel)
2011 Fascial Manipulation, 1nd level, Manual Therapy School (Napoli, Italy)
2010 Fascial Manipulation, 1st and 2nd level, Prosperius Institute (Perugia, Italy)
2009 Fascial Manipulation, 1st and 2nd level, Orthopaedic Clinic of Padova (Padova, Italy)
2009 Fascial Manipulation , 1st and 2nd level, Arcade Institute(Cesena, Italy)
2008 Fascial Manipulation , 1st and 2nd level, Montegrotto Terme (Padova, Italy)
Research in the “Phantom limb pain” field : clinical applications/effects of Fascial Manipulation in the treatment of the neuropathic pain. (INAIL – Centro Protesi Vigorso Institute, Bologna-italy)
I have been invited as a speaker in the following national and international conferences:
– “International Fascia Congress” Vrije University, Amsterdam – 2009 (keynote presentation)
– “National Fascial Manipulation Conference” Stecco Medical Center, Vicenza – 2011 (keynote presentation)
“International Fascia Congress” Vancouver (Canada), 2012
ECU (european chiropractors union) conference , Dublin 2013
I teached the following Fascial Manipulation Workshops:
two days workshop entitled “Introduction to the Fascial Manipulation Technique” as part of a multi disciplinary conference sponsored by the Manual therapy School in Naples (italy).
one day workshop entitled “Introduction to the Fascial Manipulation Technique” during the last International Fascia Congress in Vancouver (Canada).
Teacher assistant to a full day workshop entitled “The Fascial Manipulation© technique and its biomechanical model – a guide to the human fascial system.” (in collaboration with Dr. Carla Stecco) as part of the Second International Fascia Research Congress, Amsterdam (2009)
“Fascial Manipulation : approach to the Lowback Pain “ (Chapter of the open access book “Multidisciplinary approach to Low back Pain, Intech publisher)
Member of FMA (Fascial Manipulation Association ) from 2010.

Luca Negosanti
Cesena (Italy)
More Information
Email: luca.negosanti@libero.it
Telefono: +39 328 5670245
Lingua principale: italian
Altre lingue: english
Luca Negosanti (Cesena – FC – Italia, 1988)
2010: Laurea in Fisioterapia presso Università degli Studi di Ferrara
2010: fisioterapista del Rimini Calcio a 5
2011: fisioterapista del Cesena Volley Club
2011: specializzazione biennale in Terapia Manuale Osteopatica presso IITM, Bologna
2011: partecipazione al 1° corso di Manipolazione Fasciale® I-II livello
2011: relatore al III Convegno di Manipolazione Fasciale®
2011 – 2013: assistente ai corsi di Manipolazione Fasciale® I-II livello
2012 – 2014: partecipazione al corso di Manipolazione Fasciale per le Disfunzioni Interne®
2013: assistente agli Approfondimenti di Manipolazione Fasciale® I-II-livello
Febbraio 2014: docente di Manipolazione Fasciale®
Febbraio – Marzo 2014: docente agli Approfondimenti di Manipolazione Fasciale®
2010 – presente: libero professionista in studio privato, utilizzando come unico strumento operativo Manipolazione Fasciale®
Esperienza da assistente ai corsi:
Manipolazione Fasciale® I-II livello Apr-Ott 2012 (Savignano sul Rubicone, FC)
Approfondimento di Manipolazione Fasciale® Nov 2012-Gen 2013 (Savignano sul Rubicone, FC)
Workshop di Manipolazione Fasciale® I-II livello Feb 2013 (Savignano sul Rubicone, FC)
Manipolazione Fasciale® I-II livello Gen-Mag 2013 (Cesenatico, FC)
Manipolazione Fasciale® I-II livello Feb-Giu 2013 (Umbertide, PG)
Manipolazione Fasciale® II livello Mag 2013 (Pisa, PI)
Manipolazione Fasciale® I-II livello Mag-Set 2013 (Vado Ligure, SV)
Manipolazione Fasciale® II livello Set 2013 (Bari, BA)
Manipolazione Fasciale® I-II livello Set-Nov 2013 (Zugliano, VI)
Manipolazione Fasciale® I-II livello Dic 2013-Gen 2014 (Savignano sul Rubicone, FC)
Luca Negosanti (Cesena – FC – Italy, 1988)
2010: physiotherapy Degree, Ferrara’s University
2010: physiotherapist for “Rimini soccer team”
2011: physiotherapist for “Cesena Volley Club”
2011: biennial specialization in Osteopathic Manual Therapy, IITM, Bologna
2011: first partecipation at Fascial Manipulation course, I-II level
2011: speaker at III Fascial Manipulation Congress
2011 – 2013: assistant at Fascial Manipulation courses, I-II level
2012 – 2014: first partecipation at Fascial Manipulation for Internal Dysfunctions
2013: assistant at in-depth course, I-II level (Savignano sul Rubicone, FC, Italy)
February 2014: Fascial Manipulation teacher
Feb – Mar 2014: teacher at in-depth course, I-II level (Savignano sul Rubicone, FC, Italy)
2010 – present: Physiotherapist, using Fascial Manipulation® as unique method (private practise in Cesena, FC, Italy)
Teaching Assistant Experience:
Fascial Manipulation® I-II level Apr-Oct 2012 (Savignano sul Rubicone, FC)
In-depth course in Fascial Manipulation® Nov 2012 – Jan 2013 (Savignano sul Rubicone, FC)
Fascial Manipulation workshop® I-II level Feb 2013 (Savignano sul Rubicone, FC)
Fascial Manipulation® I-II level Jan-May 2013 (Cesenatico, FC)
Fascial Manipulation® I-II level Feb-Jun 2013 (Umbertide, PG)
Fascial Manipulation® II level May 2013 (Pisa, PI)
Fascial Manipulation® I-II level May-Sep 2013 (Vado Ligure, SV)
Fascial Manipulation® II level Sep 2013 (Bari, BA)
Fascial Manipulation® I-II level Sep-Nov 2013 (Zugliano, VI)
Fascial Manipulation® I-II level Dec 2013-Jan 2014 (Savignano sul Rubicone, FC)

Luca Ramilli
Cesena (Italy)
More Information
Email: lucaramilli@gmail.com
Lingua principale: italian
nato il 07\10\62, si diploma Terapista della riabilitazione nel 1994, frequenta il suo primo corso di Manipolazione Neuroconnettivale nel 1996, da allora ha frequentato, come allievo, numerosi corsi di Manipolazione Fasciale di I,II e III livello, tenuti da Luigi Stecco e Figli.
Dopo una triennale esperienza lavorativa presso la ASL di Cesena (fc), diventa libero professionista nel 1997.
Diventa Docente di Manipolazione Fasciale nel 1999. Ha tenuto numerosi corsi come docente, nel 2008 è tra i fondatori della Associazione per la Manipolazione Fasciale, di cui è stato segretario dal 2008 al 2011.
Tuttora lavora in libera professione utilizzando unicamente la Manipolazione Fasciale come strumento operativo.

Luigi Stecco
Vicenza (Italy)
More Information
Email: luigi.stecco@teletu.it
Telefono: +39 0444 675306
Lingua principale: italian
– Nato a Cologna Veneta (VR) il 14 aprile 1949 ; residente ad Arzignano (Vicenza -ITALY)
– Fisioterapista dal 1975
– Libero professionista dal 1989:
svolge la sua attività professionale di fisioterapista ad Arzignano
organizza ed insegna nei corsi di Manipolazione Fasciale di 3° livello
– E’ l’ideatore e il titolare della tecnica manipolativa di valutazione e trattamento denominata “Manipolazione Fasciale®” – “Fascial Manipulation®” e Proprietario del relativo marchio depositato assieme al logo identificativo
– E’autore di vari libri, tra i quali:
“Manipolazione Fasciale: parte pratica” 2007 Piccin editore
“Manipolazione Fasciale: parte teorica” 2010 Piccin editore
“Manipolazione Fasciale per le disfunzioni interne” 2012 Piccin editore
Piccin Nuova Libraria S.p.A. Padova, via Altinate, n° 107

Marco Pintucci
Sao Paulo (Brasil)
More Information
Email: marco.pintucci@gmail.com
Lingua principale: italian
Altre lingue: portogues, spanish
Italian physiotherapist, graduade in 2008. Currently residing in Sao Paulo, Brasil.
Fascial Manipulation pratictioner since 2010. Authorised teacher of Fascial Manipulation. Has taught course and workshop in Japan, Brazil, China.
Currently conducting clinical studies on the effect of fascial manipulation on the treatment of knee arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, chronic shoulder pain and post stroke spasticiy.
“A comparative study A comparative between Fascial Manipulation® technique and Laser Therapy in the conservative treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome” – (waiting to be published)
“Successful treatment of hemiplegic shoulder using Fascial Manipulation®” Arch Phys Med Rehabil- (under pubblication)

Michal Steernak, Solec
Zdrój (Poland)
More Information
Email: rehamichal@gmail.com
Telefono: +48 692126306
Education and employment history
1997 – 2001 Academy of Physical Education in Kraków, physiotherapy
May 2012 until now – Private practicein Solec – Zdrój
Physiotherapy Specialist
Fascial Manipulation Specialist
2005–2012 Malinowy Zdrój” Medical Spa Hotel in Solec Zdrój
physiotherapy specialist
manual terapist
2001 – 2005 “Włókniarz” sanatorium in Busko Zdrój
massage therapist
Physiotherapy Qualifications
Fascial Manipulation
– 2016 Qualified as Fascial Manipulation teacher
– 2016 Level III in Poland
– 2016 Master Class in Italy
– 2015 Level III in Italy
– 2014 – 2016 assistant courses in Poland
– 2012 – 2013 Level I and II in Poland
Muscular and Articular Chains method Godelive Denys-Struyf (GDS)
– 2013 – 2014 basic cource
– 2014 – 2015 strategies
– 2016 GDS in scoliosis
Anatomy Palpation by dr Francis Lafosse D.O.
2011 – 2012 Contemporary methods of diagnosis and therapy of soft tissues by Jarosław Ciechomski
– Energy Muscle Techniques
– Myofascial Releasing
– Active Releasing Techniques
– Trigger Points Therapy
– Postural Muscle Dysbalance
Kinesiology Taping
– 2009 basic cource
– 2010 anvanced cource
2007 – 2010 Manual Therapy of German School (OMT)
Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF)
– 2005 basic cource
– 2007 advenced cource
– 2008 klinical cource in Orthopaedics
2001 – 2003 McKenzie Method

Mirco Branchini
Bologna (Italy)
More Information
Email: mirco.branchini@gmail.com
Telefono: +39 339 4458374
Lingua principale: italian
Altre lingue: spanish
Nato a Bologna (ITA) il 12 ottobre 1969
Diploma in Terapista della Riabilitazione nel 1992 (Bologna)
Laurea in Scienze delle professioni sanitarie della Riabilitazione nel 2006 (UNIFI)
In servizio presso l’AOU di Bologna dal 1996
Docente al C.L. in Fisioterapia di UNIBO dal 1996
Relatore di numerose tesi di laurea
Coordinatore del C.L. in Fisioterapia dell’UNIBO dal 2007
Docente della tecnica di Manipolazione Fasciale ® dal 1996, ha tenuto corsi di 1° e 2° livello in Italia, Spagna e Portogallo
Relatore a congressi nazionali e internazionali per fisioterapisti e medici
Born 12th October 1969, Bologna, Italy.
Diploma in Physiotherapy 1992 (Bologna, Italy)
Degree in Science of Rehabilitation for health professions 2006 (University of Florence, Italy)
Employed at AOU, Bologna, since 1996.
Supervisor for numerous Physiotherapy degree thesis.
Coordinator of the Degree course in Physiotherapy, University of Bologna since 2007.
Teacher of Fascial Manipulation® since 1996 he has taught Level I & II courses in Italy, Spain and Portugal.
Speaker at national and international congresses for physiotherapists and medical doctors.

Natalie Brettler
Natanya (Israel)
More Information
Email: swan1lake@gmail.com
Telefono: 972-50-6561767
Lingua principale: hebrew
Altre lingue: english, russian
2006-2010 B.P.T Physical therapy, Haifa University, Israel
2013 Qualified Fascial Manipulation teacher, Italy
– Fascial Manipulation, level 1,2,3, Israel, Italy
– Dry Needling and Manual Therapy of Trigger Points, D. Simons Academy
– Diagnosis and rehabilitation of the vestibular system, Tel Hashomer Hospital, Israel
– Kinesio Tex taping expanded, Assaf Harofe Hospital, Israel
– Diagnosis and rehabilitation of upper quadrant, Tel Aviv
– Rehabilitative Pilates, Israeli Pilates center Dror Raz
– Diagnosis and treatment of back pain using applied kinesiology, Russian International College for Applied Kinesiology
– Diagnosis and treatment of the neck and upper limb using Applied Kinesiology, Russian International College for Applied Kinesiology
– Reformer Pilates instructors, Israeli Pilates center Dror Raz
– Pilates Mat instructors, Israeli Pilates center Dror Raz
– Certified Reiki practitioner level 1 +2, Israeli Communications Center
– Rhythmic Gymnastics instructor, Wingate institute, Israel
Y. Michlin, / N. Michlin (Brettler), / D. Ingman, “Computerized Monitoring of the Reliability of Corrodible Internal Part”, Corrosion Reviews. Volume 22, Issue 4, Pages 325–339, 2004
2013 Fascial Manipulation teacher, Israel
2012-2013 Owner of and practitioner at the Physioclinic , physical therapy and
Rehabilitative Pilates center, Israel
2012-2013 Physical Therapist at Medix, privet sports medicine center, Israel
2010-2012 Physical Therapist at Health Care Organization Clalit, Tel Aviv, Israel
2010-2012 Rehabilitative Pilates instructor, Israeli Pilates center Dror Raz, Tel Aviv, Israel
2008-2010 Pilates instructor, Intel, Israel
2000-2010 Rhythmic Gymnastics instructor, Israel
Hebrew (native), English (fluent), Russian (verbal and writing)

Pietro Iogna Prat
Udine (Italy)
More Information
Email: iogna@tiscali.it
Telefono: +39 3420899624
Lingua principale: italian
Altre lingue: english
2010- Graduate of physiotherapy at the University of Udine (Italy) with graduation research thesis about fascial physiology.
2011- First FM I and II level course (ita)
2012- Conservatory graduate in piano at the Conservatory of Udine
2013- Second FM I and II level course (international)
2013- III level course
2013- MF assistant in courses in Italy, Slovenia, Poland, Austria
2014- Official MF teacher, currently secretary of AMF
Since 2010 private practitioner of FM in Udine and Gemona del Friuli
2011- present physiotherapy for several local sport teams (football, rugby, gymnastics, athletics)
2014- april- physiotherapist for national athletes of Italian federation of athletics (FIDAL)
2014 physiotherapist for athletes of South African Athletics national team
2010- Laureato presso l’Università degli Studi di Udine con tesi di ricerca sulla fisiologia della fascia
2011- primo corso di Manipolazione Fasciale I e II livello
2012- diploma di Pianoforte Principale al conservatorio di Udine
2013- secondo corso di Manipolazione Fasciale I e II livello (internazionale)
2013- corso MFDI
2013- assistente MF nei corsi in Italia, Slovenia, Polonia e Austria
2014- docente ufficiale di Manipolazione Fasciale, attualmente segretario dell’AMF
Dal 2010 libero professionista a Udine e Gemona del Friuli
2011- in corso- fisioterapista per diverse squadre sportive locali (calcio, rugby, ginnastica artistica, atletica)
2014 aprile- fisioterapista per gli atleti della selezione nazionale FIDAL di corsa in montagna e maratona
2014- fisioterapista degli atleti della nazionale Sudafricana di atletica (SASCOC)

Pina Cultrera
More Information
Email: 65pinella@gmail.com
Lingua principale: Italiano
Altre lingue: English
Laureata in Medicina e Chirurgia con voto 110 lode/110 presso l’Università degli studi di Firenze nel 1993, conseguita specializzazione in Medicina Fisica e Riabilitazione con voto 70 lode/70 presso la stessa Università nel 1997, dal 1998 specialista ambulatoriale presso l’Azienda USL Toscana Centro.
Ha conseguito diploma di Ipnologo presso Scuola CICCS, Università degli Studi di Torino, nel 2014, ha conseguito Diploma di ecografia muscolo scheletrica nel 2013 presso Università degli studi di Bologna.
Nel corso del tempo si è formata sul trattamento delle disfunzioni muscolo scheletriche conseguendo Diploma di Manipolazione Vertebrale metodo Robert Maigne nel 1996 e sulle malattie metaboliche dell’osso (Master nel 2010).
Corso di Manipolazione Fasciale metodo Luigi Stecco I e II livello nel 2010, III livello nel 2012. Nel 2013 ha iniziato il tirocinio per la docenza, nello stesso anno ha vinto il primo premio dell’Associazione Manipolazione Fasciale con uno studio comparativo fra Manipolazione Fasciale e laserterapia nel trattamento conservativo della sindrome del tunnel carpale, in seguito pubblicato su rivista internazionale.
-“Conservative treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome: comparison between laser therapy and fascial manipulation” Pratelli E., Pintucci M., Cultrera P. et al Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies (2015)
-“Evaluation with stabilometric platform of balance disorders in osteoporotic patients. A proposal for a diagnostic protocol” Cultrera P., Pratelli E., Petrai V. et al Clinical cases in Mineral and Bone Metabolism (2010)
Contatto: 65pinella@gmail.com
Mother tongue: ITALIAN
other language: ENGLISH
willing to teach abroad: YES
1993: medical doctor, University of Florence, score 110/110
1997: specialization in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of Florence, score 70/70
Since 1998: employed as physiatrist at National Health Service in Florence
2014: certificate of specialization in Hypnosis, at University of Turin
2013: certificate of Skeletal Muscular Ultrasound at University of Bologna
Knowledge of skeletal muscular dysfunctions (certificate of Vertebral Manipulation, Robert Maigne’s method, University of Siena, in 1996) and Metabolic Bone Diseases (Master in 2010)
2010: Fascial Manipulation , Luigi Stecco’s method, level I and II
2012: level III
2013: internship to become Professor of Fascial Manipulation
2013: won the first prize of the Fascial Manipulation Association, object “a comparative studi between Fascial Manipulation and lasertherapy in the conservative treatment of the carpal tunnel syndrome”, subsequently published in an international journal.
-“Conservative treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome: comparison between laser therapy and Fascial Manipulation “ Pratelli E., Pintucci M., Cultrera P. et al Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies (2015)
-“Evaluation with stabilometric platform of balance disorders in osteoporotic patients. A proposal for a diagnostic protocol” Cultrera P., Pratelli E., Petrai V. et al Clinical cases in Mineral and Bone Metabolism (2010)

Pratelli Elisa
Firenze (Italy)
More Information
Lingua principale: Italiano
Altre lingue: English
Laureata in Medicina e Chirurgia con 110/110 e lode nel 2001 presso l’ Università degli studi di Firenze. Conseguita Specializzazione in Medicina Fisica e Riabilitazione con 70/70 e lode presso la stessa Università nel 2005. Possessore di un assegno di ricerca su scoliosi, sindrome di Marfan e malattie correlate dal 2005 al 2009.
Dal 2009 assunta a tempo indeterminato presso la SOD di Riabilitazione dell’ Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Careggi come Dirigente medico I livello.
Docente nella scuola di Specializzazione di Ortopedia e Traumatologia dell’ Università di Firenze. Ha effettuato docenze in diversi corsi universitari ed ha partecipato come relatrice in numerose relazioni congressuali.
Negli anni si è formata su ecografia muscolo scheletrica, postura ed utilizzo di pedana stabilometrica, scoliosi e deformità del rachide (ha svolto screening delle scoliosi nelle scuole fiorentine su oltre 10.000 bambini), malattie del metabolismo osseo, omeopatia ed omotossicologia.
Corso di Manipolazione Fasciale Metodo Stecco I-II livello nel 2010 e III livello nel 2012. Nel 2013 ha iniziato il tirocinio per la Docenza. Sempre nel 2013 ha vinto il primo premio dell’ associazione di Manipolazione Fasciale con uno studio comparativo tra manipolazione fasciale e laserterapia nel trattamento conservativo della sindrome del tunnel carpale in seguito pubblicato su una rivista internazionale.
Pubblicazioni su riviste internazionali:
– G. Barneschi, M. D’andrea, R. Pratelli, G. Lucchesi, E. Pratelli. “La valutazione neurologica nelle fratture vertebrali toraci-lombari. la chirurgia negli organi di movimento, Publisher Cappelli, Bologna, vol. LXXXV, fasc II, April-May-June 2000.
– Pratelli E, Cinotti I, Pasquetti P. :”Rehabilitation in osteoporotic vertebral fractures” Clin cases miner Bone Metab., 2010 Jan 7(1) 45-7.
– Cultrera P., Pratelli E., Petrai V.,Postiglione M, Zambelan G.,Pasquetti P.:” Evaluation with stabilometric platform of balance disorders in osteoporosis patients. A proposal for a diagnostic protocol” Clin Cases Miner Bone Metab. 2010 may ; 7 (2):123-5.
– Attanasio M, Pratelli E., Porciani MC, Evangelisti L, Torricelli E., Pellicanò G., Abbate R.,Gensini GF.,Pepe G.”Dural ectasia and FBN1 mutation screening 40 patientswith marfan Syndrome and related disorders: role of dural ectasia for the diagnosis” Eur J Med genet., 2013 Jul; 56 (7):356-60
– E.Pratelli, M. Pintucci, P. Cultrera, E. Baldini, A. Petrocelli, A. Stecco ” Conservative treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome: Comparison between laser therapy and fascial manipulation “, Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies (2015) :19, 113-118.
– D. Melchiorre, E. Pratelli, E. Torricelli, F. Sofi, R. Abbate, M. Matucci Cernic, G. Gensini, G. Pepe “A group of patients with Marfan’s syndrome, who have finger and toe contractures, displays tendons ‘ alterations upon an ultrasound examination: are these features common among classical Marfan patients?”Internal and Emergency Medicine, volume 11, issue 5, august 2016, pp 703-711.
-P.Pasquetti, L. Apicella, E. Pratelli, G. Mangone: Posoperative Rehabilitation; Frontiers in Artthritis (http://ebook.benthamscience.com/book) 2017, Vol.2, 218-233
– M.Pintucci, A.Stecco, E.Pratelli “Successful treatment of rotator cuff tear using Fascial Manipulation® in a stroke patient” in publication in Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies
Education and qualification
2001: Medical Doctor, University of Florence score 110/110.
2005: Specialization in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation , University of Florence, score 70/70.
From 2005 to 2009: research on scoliosis, Marfan syndrome and related diseases.
Since 2009: employed with a long term contract as a Medical Manager, Level I at SOD Hospital Rehabilitation
University of Careggi, Florence.
Professor at the School of Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialization, University of Florence.
Lecturer at several university courses and in many Congressional relations.
During the years, knowledge of skeletal muscular ultrasound, posture and stabilometric platform , scoliosis and spine deformity (screening of scoliosis in Florentines schools on over 10,000 children), bone metabolic diseases, homeopathy and omotoxicology.
Fascial manipulation course, Stecco Method:
2010: I-II level in and III level
2012: level III
2013: internship to become Professor of fascial manipulation.
2013: won the first prize of the Fascial manipulation association; object “ a comparative study between fascial manipulation and lasertherapy in the Conservative treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome” subsequently published in an international Journal
Publications in international journals:
– G. Barneschi, M. D’andrea, R. Pratelli, G. Lucchesi, E. Pratelli. “La valutazione neurologica nelle fratture vertebrali toraci-lombari. la chirurgia negli organi di movimento, Publisher Cappelli, Bologna, vol. LXXXV, fasc II, April-May-June 2000.
– Pratelli E, Cinotti I, Pasquetti P. :”Rehabilitation in osteoporotic vertebral fractures” Clin cases miner Bone Metab., 2010 Jan 7(1) 45-7.
– Cultrera P., Pratelli E., Petrai V.,Postiglione M, Zambelan G.,Pasquetti P.:” Evaluation with stabilometric platform of balance disorders in osteoporosis patients. A proposal for a diagnostic protocol” Clin Cases Miner Bone Metab. 2010 may ; 7 (2):123-5.
– Attanasio M, Pratelli E., Porciani MC, Evangelisti L, Torricelli E., Pellicanò G., Abbate R.,Gensini GF.,Pepe G.”Dural ectasia and FBN1 mutation screening 40 patientswith marfan Syndrome and related disorders: role of dural ectasia for the diagnosis” Eur J Med genet., 2013 Jul; 56 (7):356-60
– E.Pratelli, M. Pintucci, P. Cultrera, E. Baldini, A. Petrocelli, A. Stecco ” Conservative treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome: Comparison between laser therapy and fascial manipulation “, Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies (2015) :19, 113-118.
– D. Melchiorre, E. Pratelli, E. Torricelli, F. Sofi, R. Abbate, M. Matucci Cernic, G. Gensini, G. Pepe “A group of patients with Marfan’s syndrome, who have finger and toe contractures, displays tendons ‘ alterations upon an ultrasound examination: are these features common among classical Marfan patients?”Internal and Emergency Medicine, volume 11, issue 5, august 2016, pp 703-711.
-P.Pasquetti, L. Apicella, E. Pratelli, G. Mangone: Posoperative Rehabilitation; Frontiers in Artthritis (http://ebook.benthamscience.com/book) 2017, Vol.2, 218-233
– M.Pintucci, A.Stecco, E.Pratelli “Successful treatment of rotator cuff tear using Fascial Manipulation® in a stroke patient” in publication in Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies

Stefano Casadei
Cesena (Italy)
More Information
Email: casadei.ste@gmail.com
Telefono: +39 340 8419715
Lingua principale: italian
Altre lingue: english
Physiotherapist and Fascial Manipulation Teacher.
2008: Graduate in Physiotherapy at the “Alma Mater Studiorum University” (Bologna – italy);
2008: First course of Fascial Manipulation for internal dysfunctions (Teachers: Luigi Stecco Carla Stecco and Antonio Stecco)
2005: Course of Fascial Manipulation, 1st and 2nd level (Teachers: Luigi Stecco and Carla Stecco)
(I attended two FM advanced courses every year from that time)
2008 – present: Physioterapist (private practice in Cesena, Italy)
July 2009 – Oct 1997: Physiotherapist for “Medoc: Sport and Work Medicine Institute” (Italy)
Nov 2006 – July 2009: Physiotherapist for “Savignanese soccer team” (italy)
10/2009 Relatore all’ “ INTERNATIONAL FASCIA RESEARCH CONGRESS” presso la Vrije Amsterdam University
10/2011 Relatore al “corso di perfezionamento in Manpolazione fasciale” (Vicenza)
02/2012 Relatore all’ “ INTERNATIONAL FASCIA RESEARCH CONGRESS” tenutosi a Vancouver (Canada)
2013 Fascial Manipulation, 1nd level, Boston (Usa)
2013 Fascial Manipulation, 2nd level, Dallas (Usa)
2013 Fascial Manipulation, 1nd level, London (UK)
2013 Fascial Manipulation, 1nd level, Dublin (Ireland)
2013 Fascial Manipulation, 1nd level, Johannesburg (S.Africa)
2013 Fascial Manipulation, 1nd level,Capetown (S.Africa)
2013 Fascial Manipulation, 2nd level, Tokio (Japan)
2013 Fascial Manipulation, 1nd level, Las Vegas (Usa)
2013 Fascial Manipulation, 1nd level, (july)Tel Aviv (Israel)
2013 Fascial Manipulation, 1nd level, Sport Medicine Institute (Torino, Italy)
2013 Fascial Manipulation, 1nd level, Stecco Medical Center (Italy)
2013 Fascial Manipulation, 2nd level, Stecco Medical Center(Italy)
2013 Fascial Manipulation, 2nd level, (january)Tel Aviv (Israel)
2013 Fascial Manipulation, 1nd level, Jerusalem (Israel)
2013 Fascial Manipulation, 1nd level (January), Tel Aviv (Israel)
2012 Fascial Manipulation, 1nd level (february), Tel Aviv (Israel)
2012 Fascial Manipulation, 1nd level (july), Tel Aviv (Israel)
2012 Fascial Manipulation, 1nd level (November), Tel Aviv (Israel)
2012 Fascial Manipulation, 1nd level, Capetown (S.Africa)
2012 Fascial Manipulation, 1nd level, Johannesburg (S.Africa)
2012Fascial Manipulation, 1st level, MedicalUniversity (Pisa, Italy)
2012 Fascial Manipulation, 2nd level, Medical University (Pisa, Italy)
2012 Fascial Manipulation , 2nd level, Assaf Arrof Medical Center ( Tel Aviv, Israel)
2011 Fascial Manipulation , 1st level, Assaf Arrof Medical Center ( Tel Aviv, Israel)
2011 Fascial Manipulation, 1nd level, Manual Therapy School (Napoli, Italy)
2010 Fascial Manipulation, 1st and 2nd level, Prosperius Institute (Perugia, Italy)
2009 Fascial Manipulation, 1st and 2nd level, Orthopaedic Clinic of Padova (Padova, Italy)
2009 Fascial Manipulation , 1st and 2nd level, Arcade Institute(Cesena, Italy)
2008 Fascial Manipulation , 1st and 2nd level, Montegrotto Terme (Padova, Italy)
Research in the “Phantom limb pain” field : clinical applications/effects of Fascial Manipulation in the treatment of the neuropathic pain. (INAIL – Centro Protesi Vigorso Institute, Bologna-italy)
I have been invited as a speaker in the following national and international conferences:
– “International Fascia Congress” Vrije University, Amsterdam – 2009 (keynote presentation)
– “National Fascial Manipulation Conference” Stecco Medical Center, Vicenza – 2011 (keynote presentation)
“International Fascia Congress” Vancouver (Canada), 2012
ECU (european chiropractors union) conference , Dublin 2013
I teached the following Fascial Manipulation Workshops:
two days workshop entitled “Introduction to the Fascial Manipulation Technique” as part of a multi disciplinary conference sponsored by the Manual therapy School in Naples (italy).
one day workshop entitled “Introduction to the Fascial Manipulation Technique” during the last International Fascia Congress in Vancouver (Canada).
Teacher assistant to a full day workshop entitled “The Fascial Manipulation© technique and its biomechanical model – a guide to the human fascial system.” (in collaboration with Dr. Carla Stecco) as part of the Second International Fascia Research Congress, Amsterdam (2009)
“Fascial Manipulation : approach to the Lowback Pain “ (Chapter of the open access book “Multidisciplinary approach to Low back Pain, Intech publisher)
Member of FMA (Fascial Manipulation Association ) from 2010.

Stephen F. Oswald, DC
More Information
Lingua principale: English
Dr. Oswald received his Bachelor of Arts Degree, cum laude, in the Honours Program of Villanova University in 1973. He received his doctorate degree, cum laude, in Chiropractic in 1985.
Upon completing his doctorate, Dr. Oswald opened his office in Manhattan, followed by his second office in upstate New York and his part time clinic in the Middle East.
In 2011 he started studying Fascial Manipulation with Dr. Antonio Stecco, Dr. Warren Hammer and Stefano Casadei. Even though Dr. Oswald was at the time running two highly successful soft tissue based practices, he was immediately and deeply impressed with the science base, complexity, sophistication and effectiveness of this approach. He took the workshop series many times, including Fascial Manipulation for Internal Dysfunction, observed a number of the one day cadaver studies (under Dr. Antonio Stecco and one with Dr. Carla Stecco), took two Master Classes with Stefano Casadei, participated in two Fascial Congresses and, finally, became accepted for the Teacher’s Certification Program. In this program he assisted in many seminars including the seminars for the Arizona Diamondbacks professional baseball team’s training staff. He received his Teacher Certification in Fascial Manipulation in 2017.
Dr. Oswald has also edited many of the lectures for the Fascial Manipulation teachers’ presentations and is writing one chapter for the upcoming book on Fascial Manipulation.

Tiina Lahtinen-Soupanki
More Information
Lingua principale: finnish
Altre lingue: english, swedish, norwegian

Todd Pollock
Kasilof (AK – USA)
More Information
Email: toddanddiane@msn.com
Telefono: +1 907-260-8488
Lingua principale: english
Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy Eastern Washington University Cheney, WA 1988 (Summa Cum Laude)
Summary of Qualifications
Expertise in the evaluation and treatment of physical disabilities.
Strong emphasis on education of patients, their families, caregivers, and other medical professionals
Experience in a variety of professional settings including hospitals (acute wound care & outpatient), private practice (outpatient sports & orthopedic, geriatric, vestibular & neurologic), home healthcare (orthopedic & neurologic), and skilled nursing facilities (orthopedic, neurologic & short/long term and rehabilitation).
Strong manual therapy skills with expertise in joint and soft tissue mobilization.
Record of continuing education and professional development.
Good interpersonal communication skills with physicians, colleagues, other medical professionals and patients.
Highly ethical, conscientious, and motivated to provide optimum patient care.
Professional Experience
Central Peninsula Hospital– Soldotna, AK (2002 – present)
Senior Physical Therapist
– Outpatient orthopedic practice; set up educational programs for Physical Therapists & staff
Therapeutic Dimensions– Spokane, WA (1990 – 2005)
Founder and President
– Design and manufacture therapeutic products for sales to major national catalogues and dealers
Valley Hospital – Palmer, AK (1998 – 2000)
Staff Physical Therapist
– Acute care, wound care, home health care & Outpatient physical therapy
Northwest Therapy Resources – Spokane, WA (1996 – 1998)
Locum Tenens Physical Therapist
– Acute care, Skilled Nursing Facilities, Inpatient neurologic care and Outpatient physical therapy
Family Home Care – Spokane, WA (1992 – 1996)
Contract Physical Therapist
– Home health physical therapy
Institute of Sports Medicine – Spokane, WA (1988 – 1992)
Staff Physical Therapist
– Outpatient sports and orthopedic physical therapy
Professional Development/Special Interest
Attended Total Motion Release Levels 1-3. Became instructor. (2006 – 2009)
Attended Mulligan Concepts Upper Quadrant, Lower Quadrant and Advanced courses. Passed examinations as Certified Mulligan Practitioner (CMP) (2010 – 2012)
Attended Fascial Manipulation Parts IA&B and IIA&B (Antonio Stecco & Warren Hammer 2012). Re-attended Parts IA&B and IIA&B (Stefano Casadei & Warren Hammer 2013) (2012 – 2013)
Arranged for and attended numerous course offerings to be hosted in Alaska including Sacroiliac Dysfunction evaluation and treatment (Richard DonTigny, Mark Oliver), Kinesiotaping, and Mulligan Concepts.
Attended Graston training, Core strength concepts (Paul Hodges), McConnell Patellofemoral training, Fascial Distortion Model, SASTM and many other courses
Kenai Middle School Life Skills health class presentation (biannual) (2006 – 2011)
Instruction, practice and competency testing for Central Peninsula Hospital nursing staff for “Transfers, lifting and gait training” (2008)
Grand Rounds physician presentation “Balance testing and treatment” ( 2008)
Multiple 2-4 hour inservices for Central Peninsula Hospital physical therapists & staff including “Vestibular Dysfunction Evaluation and Treatment”, “Total Motion Release testing and treatment techniques” (three presentations), “Sacroiliac Dysfunction evaluation and treatment with DonTigny techniques”, “The Future of Fascial medicine: Fascial Manipulation”, “Kinesiotaping techniques”, “Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM) evaluation and treatment techniques”, and multiple presentations to professional staff in APTA Orthopedic Clinical Practice Guidelines (2006 – present)
Teaching weekend Total Motion Release level 1 courses to physical therapists ( 2010 – 2011)
Community presentation for medical professionals on “Fascia Redefined: Reconnecting to the whole” (2013 )
American Physical Therapy Association (APTA)
APTA Orthopedic Section
Alaskan Physical Therapy Association
Fascial Manipulation Association
Certified Mulligan Practitioner (CMP)
Physical Therapy Orthopedic Specialist Certification (OCS)
2009 Planetree Clinician of the year for Central Peninsula Hospital
Recent/Future Professional Advancements
Passed exams for Orthopedic Specialist Certification (OCS) through the American Physical Therapy Association in 2014
Enrolled in transitional Doctorate of Physical Therapy with orthopedic specialization in July 2014

Tuulia Luomala
Turenki (Finland)
More Information
Email: tuulia.luomala@gmail.com
Telefono: 0405366853
Physiotherapist, Tampere polytechnic, 2000
Swimming instructor, disabled people, SUH, 2001
Feldenkrais, Lahti polytechnic, 2002
Animal physiotherapy, Lahti polytechnic, 2002
Kinesio taping for horses, Narelle Stubbs, Lahti polytechnic, 2002
Pilates instructor, Method Putkisto institute 2006
Pilates instructor / cadillac, reformer, Method Putkisto institute, 2007
Osteopathic approach to horse treatments, Rikke Schultz, Helsinki, 2007
Acupuncture, 2007
Manipulative physiotherapy, Maitland, IMTA & Lahti polytechnic, 2004-2010
Kinesio taping, Tampere 2010
Kinetic control (Comerford, Motramm) 2010-
Anatomy trains & fascial release 2011-
Joined-up-Rehab, animal physiotherapy, Jo Paul, Kangasala, 2011
Fascial treatments for horses, Jim Pascucci, Ypäjä, 2011
7 th international symposium of veterinary rehabilitation and physical therapy, Vienna, 2012
Fascial manipulation, Stecco Medical Centrum, Italy. Level I – II, 2012
Fascinating fascia, Oxfordshire, Robert Schleip. 2013
AMF congress, Stecco Medical Centrum, Italy. 2013
6 day intensive dissection workshop, Gil Hedley, St Andrews, Scotland. 2013
Fascial manipulation, Stecco Medical Centrum, Italy, Level III, 2013
Pelvic and low Back pain congress, Dubai, 2013
Fascial manipulation, Stecco method, level I, Dublin, 2013
Fascial manipulation, Stecco method, level II, Tel Aviv, 2014
Treatment of scoliosis – organizer of the course, Robert Schleip, 2014
OSEAN, osteopathy education congress, Barcelona, 2014
AMF congress, Bologna, 2014
6 day intensive dissection workshop, Gil Hedley, St Andrews, Scotland. 2014
Fascial manipulation, Stecco Medical Centrum, Italy, Level III, 2014
Osteopathic approach to fascia, Paolo Tozzi, 2014
Anatomy trains, fascial contiunity, Thomas Myers, London, 2015
Myofascial dissection course, Carla Stecco, Padova university, Italy, 2015
Private clinic, physiotherapist, specialized in musculoskeletal disorders and fascial manipulation, 2000 –
Pilates instructor 2006 –
Pediatric physiotherapy, Anne Tammilehto, 2000-2004
Finnish federation of disabled people, physiotherapy, 2000-2006
City of Tampere, instructor 1999 – 2013
Myofascial movement control, courses in Finland and around the world, MT-Physio Oy, 2013 –
Equine dissections, MT-Physio 2013 –
MyFascia concept, MT-Physio Oy, 2014 –
Veterinary fascial manipulation developing the concept since 2012, teacher, 2015 –
Finnish association of animal physiotherapy, board member 2006 – 2010
Finnish association of animal physiotherapy, chairman of the board 2010 – 2013
Finnish association of animal physiotherapy, vise chairman of the board 2013 – 2014
AMF awarded, Thiene, Italy, 2013
AMF awarded, Bologna, Italy, 2014
8th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back and Pelvic Pain, Dubai, 2013
poster presentations
AMF congress, Bologna, 2014
poster presentation: Equine fascial manipulation
oral presentation: Fascial manipulation in 345 seconds
8th International Symposium on Veterinary Rehabilitation/Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine, Oregon US, 2014.
poster presentation: Equine fascial manipulation
Myofascial dissection course, Padova university, 2015
Comparative anatomy equine vs. human
Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, Volume 18, Issue 3, Pages 462–468, July 2014: Case study: Could ultrasound and elastography visualized densified areas inside the deep fascia? Luomala T. et al.

Vittorio Barion
Ferrara (Italy)
More Information
Email: vittorio.barion@gmail.com
Lingua principale: italian
-Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia nel 1984
-Dirigente Medico Fisiatra presso l’Unità Operativa di Recupero e Rieducazione Funzionale AUSL di Ferrara (Copparo)
-Specialista in Terapia Fisica e Riabilitazione
-Corso quadriennale di Agopuntura
-2008/20010 Corso Mc Kenzie parte “A” “B” “C” “D”
-2011 Corso di Manipolaione della Fascia Muscolare di 1° e 2° livello
-2012 Corso di Manipolazione Fasciale di 3° livello
-2014 Riconoscimento del titolo di Docente della metodica di Manipolazione Fasciale di 1° e 2° livello
dr Barion Vittorio
– Degree in Medicine and Surgery in 1984
– Medical Director Fhysiatrist at the Unit of Functional Recovery and Rehabilitation AUSL Ferrara (Copparo)
– Specialist in Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation
– Four-year course of Acupuncture
– 2008/20010 Course Mc Kenzie part “A” “B” “C” “D”
– 2011 Course of Fascial Manipulation of 1st and 2nd level
– 2012 Course of Fascial Manipolation of 3rd level
– 2014 Recognition of the title of Professor of the method of Fascial Manipulation of 1st and 2nd level

Warren Hammer
Norwalk (Connecticut, USA)
More Information
Email: softissu@optonline.net
Telefono: +1 203 838 5544
Lingua principale: english
Bio on Dr. Hammer (12 page Vitae available)
Warren Hammer DC, MS, DABCO has been in practice in Norwalk, Connecticut, USA for the past 50 years. He has studied numerous soft-tissue methods and applies them to the practice of chiropractic.
He has lectured nationally and internationally and recently completed his third edition of Functional Soft-Tissue Examination and Treatment by Manual Methods available from Jones & Bartlett publishers. He writes a regular column for Dynamic Chiropractic and has written articles for prominent journals such as Chiropractic Sports Medicine, the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, Chiropractic Technique and the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies.
Dr. Hammer has been a consultant and instructor for Graston Technique® since 2001.
About three years ago Dr. Hammer became certified in the use of Fascial Manipulation© (FM) after spending two weeks in Italy under the tutelage of Luigi Stecco, PT. FM has been taught in Europe for the past fifteen years and presently throughout the world. As of 2013 he has become a certified instructor and is introducing this method of treatment with Antonio Stecco, MD and Stefano Casadei, PT into the U.S.