Dear Stecco Family I would like to thank you for your kind hospitality during the conference It was the first time for me and it was amazing Congratulations on your achievements – it is truly inspiring to see how much you have all done to advance research in the...


With great pleasure, Fascial Manipulation Association announces the XVI Congress, organized in Padova (Via Cavalieri di Vittorio Veneto,19) on June 8, 2024. REGISTRATIONS WILL OPEN FROM JANUARY 1, 2024. Below, the events preceding and following the Congress. MASTER...


Dear Luigi, Antonio and Carla, My husband, Dr. James W White of Lynchburg Virginia, has been practicing Fascial Manipulation with great results for years. He is a level three practitioner right now. However, the time is coming for him to retire from actively treating...
The FM Method

The FM Method

The Fascial Manipulation Method is a cycle of articles dedicated to the understanding of themost common dysfunctions we meet during our clinical practice, specifically theirmanifestation and treatment with Fascial Manipulation. FM specialists report clinical...
The FM Method

The FM Method

The Fascial Manipulation Method is a cycle of articles dedicated to the understanding of themost common dysfunctions we meet during our clinical practice, specifically theirmanifestation and treatment with Fascial Manipulation. FM specialists report clinical...