執筆者 valerio | 2月 24, 2018 | News
Registration for the Congress of Fascial Manipulation® Association: “Fascia: from micro to macroscopic”, which will take place on 9th June, 2018, in Via Cavalieri di Vittorio Veneto 19, Padova, is now available. All members are invited to participate. See Program 10°...
執筆者 valerio | 2月 24, 2018 | News
Dear colleagues, until April 15, 2018, it is possible to submit an abstract for the next Fascial Research Congress which will take place in Berlin on November 14-15, 2018. It is a unique opportunity to participate and present work related to the fascia and to Fascial...
執筆者 valerio | 2月 24, 2018 | News
In July 2018, in Los Angeles, Antonio Stecco will teach at the first Fascial Manipulation Course, at the University of Souther California, USC. We are all very proud that the “Fascial Manipulation” method has been accepted within this prestigious...
執筆者 valerio | 2月 24, 2018 | News
Finally the new Fascial Manipulation Institute is open! The teachers Pratelli Elisa and Freschi Lorenzo were the ones who started the first course of Fascial Manipulation, Level III, on January 13, 2018, at the new location in Padua, in via Cavalieri di Vittorio...
執筆者 valerio | 2月 24, 2018 | News
FASCIAL MANIPULATION INSTITUTE by Stecco offers FM professionals the opportunity to obtain certification to attest to the fact that the practitioner has mastered the highest level of available training in FM. Submissions can be requested, within April 30, 2018, via...